How to get a cork out of an empty wine bottle


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For those that are confused about the reason for this, let me show you why I do this sort of thing from time to time:

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My most epic drunk ever was when an aquaintance of an aquaintance in the Society for Creative Anachronism had 8 bottles of cheap Asti Spumanti and wanted them emptied so she could rack wine that she was making. I was personally responsible for consuming 7 of them that evening.


Not such a problem here in NZ where most wine bottles use screwcaps.

Was that a bottle of Gordian wine?

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Correct. And then use a bag to pull it back out. Create a loop with the folded bag, insert into bottle, finagle until under the cork (after pouring a glass or two (or more) out of the bottle), and pull it out.

by ‘this’ do you mean the article? Or your commentary on the article?

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Wow. And you are still here to tell the story. Impressive!

But just try to get a screwcap out of an empty wine bottle!


This is great and all, but I’d prefer to know how to get more wine out of an empty wine bottle.


Let’s be honest here. It was mead that the SCA member was racking, right?

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She claimed it was for wine, anyway.

I have had some interesting wines made by SCAdians, as well as mead. (“Interesting” does not necessarily mean good in this instance.)

An alternative solution can be found on the intersection of urology and robotics.

Vinoscopic cork morcellator,
how about that for a DIY project?

I bought one of those from a celebrity auction – supposedly belonged to Richard Gere…

Not such a problem here in NZ where most wine bottles use screwcaps.

You’re just trying to get someone to do the Monty Python Australian table wine routine, aren’t you…

How dare you conflate Australia and New Zealand!

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