Originally published at: "How to Get Gonorrhea": A trip through 1974's most surreal sex ed filmstrip - Boing Boing
Weirdness via Popkin.
I’m not able to watch the whole thing right now, but looking at the thumbnail and reading the description I’m trying to decide if I should add that to my “For When You’re High as a Kite” YouTube playlist or if it’s in the category of too freaky for that list.
It’s kind of funny this is the picture that accompanied the information “if you are not having sexual relations, you are safe from gonorrhea.”
Way to sell abstinence, guys. “You too could be a sexually frustrated teen with no company but that of a book.”
Also, imagine being the poor kid who became famous as the guy who clearly wasn’t getting any.
Is that where this came from?
OMG can someone photoshop Sonic the Hedgehog or Shrek’s head or something over the ? symbol
I’m actually glad I watched it, but no, that’s not going on the list. For a 50 year old film, it’s not actually that bad. They did a passable job of having some diversity, at least of skin tones, although of course the assumption was the viewers were going to be straight.
The advice … well, it wasn’t terrible, at least. They left out a lot (e.g., condoms) and their recommended frequency of testing was laughable. Six months? I get tested about every three months and I feel like I should probably go more often. (It coincides with my HRT level check – I will also make sure to get tested before a new partner or if I’m going to an event where I expect to be playing with others.)
Finally … look, I’m a bit of a slut and I have never had a test come back reactive. Maybe it’s because I have those difficult conversations with people with which I’m going to play, maybe I’ve just been extraordinarily lucky, but that slut-shaming, finger wagging admonishment of “You will catch it sooner or later!” was more than a bit over the top and just made me laugh.
“Do you interact with other people? The more you interact with others the more likely you are to catch the flu. If you’re socially active, sooner or later you will catch the flu!” These are just diseases, people. Stop acting like it’s something shameful; that just discourages people from getting treatment.
May as well said, “If you’re a NERD you’re safe from gonorrhea. But the cool kids need to watch out!”
I do remember these beep film strips back in the day. Most of them were from the 70s even though I was in school during the 80s. Some of them I remember seeing more than once.
It was a real treat when they had an actual film strip!
The phat 5-key synth rhythm pad is lovely, but obv. needed way more bass solo interruption when the chimera goblin or ghonerrhococcus came around. Also; whyyyy preserve the tone for changing slides if you change the slide, and why not aggressively generate thematic 8k upscaling or deconstruct to tokens if you’re gonna send things around (and give away freebies when it comes to LLM tossing the victim shaming and abstinence coupons and/or testing the awkward silence durability of the LLM/‘token player.’ Will it offer self-medication of prescriptives, the physician blotter and DX, RX care and social hints (for 2040s parents?), or homeopathic actualizations or hooey?)
did i really need a trippy cartoon to tell me how to catch clap? no, no i did not.
i was in my early teens in 1974 (in deeply xtian, rural texass), we still got the 1940s “army training films” in our “health” class.
that, and a larger dose of “just don’t do that!” squickiness from our “adult” advisors.
Yeah, yeah, gonorrhea bad but film strip projector with the ding to scroll ahead…
Who’s turn is it too turn the dial?
“If you are not having sexual relations, you are safe from gonorrhea.” [image of guy reading a book]
Me in my teens. {beep!}
There is a prequel:
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