How to make a binary mechanical keyboard

That was my first thought… My second thought was “somebody must have made it” – bonus points for an actual morse code switch.

Using it is really easy. The hard part is knowing Morse code! But assuming you know it...
Plug it into your computer. Your OS may report a new keyboard connected.
Configure the keyboard.
    Open up a blank text window, such as a text editor.
    Press the learn button. You will see "Learning. Enter "-.-.-"".
    Enter the Morse 'start' code, dah-di-dah-di-dah.
    The keyboard will report the dit and dah times, then drop into normal mode. 
Use the morse key anywhere you would use a keyboard!
Change settings
    Your current speed will be displayed on the LEDs.
    To enter settings, enter SOS (di-di-dit-dah-dah-dah-di-di-dit)
    Enter the number to select the option. 

All the letters of a given encoding are the same length.

Most folks have eight fingers (and two space-key pushers). Make it a chording board and you can type a whole byte at a time. :laughing:


That’s what it feels like to use a very high level language/framework to perform basic tasks: great, I flipped a boolean, and it only took a few hundred function calls and, for whatever reason, half a gig of RAM!

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That’s exactly what Steven Roberts did, back in the 1980’s. Direct ASCII input from the handlebars of his recumbent bicycle. The link provides fascinating details. Trivia; the amateur radio magazine he wrote for, “73” was published by the person who first published “BYTE” magazine.

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