Originally published at: How to make a sundial | Boing Boing
What if you have a pointed stick?
Pointed sticks went out of fashion in the dark ages when there was insufficient light to stop people tripping over and accidentally impaling themselves on redundant sundials. Rather than get rid of the sundials (in case the dark did eventually end) it was decided to use slightly less lethally pointy things.
much like in buckingham palace gardens london which had a sundial under a tree…
…so I probably don’t have full details but it was televised when david attenborough
pointed this out…
Pointed sticks? Ho, ho, ho. We want to learn how to make sundials with pointed sticks, do we? Getting all high and mighty, eh? Fresh fruit not good enough for you eh?
Entirely possible that the sundial is significantly older than the tree…
I happen to be located in a binary star system. Will this tutorial still work for me?
… the item is from a conversation with the late h.r.h… and was a passing comment so the sundial has probably been moved now…
A pointed stick!?
In my day we’d have to stand there for 12 twelve hours and we liked it!
You gonna need a stereo sundial…
Gnothic determinism, for use in the dark.
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