How to pick up a cat

Wonderful, but is there a follow-up? How to give a cat a tablet?

Oh, wait! Here it is.


I was hoping for more of this:


Yeah, I have a lot of experience with fractious felines in the local shelter. A lot of shelter cats are scared. They are going to hide in the back of the cage, and they aren’t going to want to come out. They aren’t very easy to extract from the cage, but a towel wrap works pretty well for that. They likely aren’t going to scratch or bite, but you take precautions, and you make that hard for them if they do happen to try it. The ones you really want to watch for though are the ones that are coming forward and growling at you. That isn’t a scared cat: that’s a pissed-off cat, and they are going to go for you.



So Frieda was doing it wrong all along


Thanks, Mister Pirate!!

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I helped a college friend who was taking a TV production class, by acting out that book on camera with a stuffed toy animal! Doctor Wally’s World of Pets!

Won’t the cat want to play with the mouse as well?

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My mom had a cat named Pixie. She passed away last year. She was something of an acquired taste, since she drooled all the time and, also, liked to just sort of randomly bite the crap out of you. She wouldn’t bite to draw blood, at least. Usually.

She also had this thing where all she wanted was to be picked up, not to get on your shoulder but to get at your face. She loved to rub noses and just basically smoosh her face all over human faces. She’d never do anything to hurt you as long as you were giving her face smooshes, and she loved to be picked up and held and carried, but she’d growl like a panther and possibly bite if you ever made the mistake of trying to put her down before she was done with you. Also, she’d bite randomly and with zero warning to let you know she was finished with you.

Easy to pick up, somewhat more complicated to put down, as they say.


I knew I saw this somewhere before.

We’ve had to “discourage” her from chewing on cords quite enough already. I noticed the other day that the USB cords on my nightstand have acquired tooth marks. The last time we had a real mouse, I had to pick her up and point her at it before she noticed it, but then she spent several hours on guard until she found it again. (It got away and her brother, the Senior Cat of the house expertly disemboweled it.)

Ugh, shoulder cats. When I was a kid we had a cat that would climb up you with her claws so she could sit on your shoulders. We all hated that cat so of course it lived to be 16.

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