How to remember the top 10 things to bring when you leave the house

I do that when I’m staying with someone, or in a hotel room. I’ll assign a few places where I’ll put my stuff, and don’t have stuff scattered all about. Makes packing up a lot easier, and I don’t worry that I’ve left something behind.


I use the “pile next to the door” method.


You just need your wallet, passport, and phone. Everything else … if you forget it you can just buy it when you get there :slight_smile:


I loved Annie Hall, I think that was a really early Jeff Goldblum cameo. The joke is that people paid a lot of money for their own personal mantra.

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I just feel my pockets for two flat things and a bumpy thing.

Wallet, phone and keys. Who needs much more? The EDC movement is leading people to need things — and places to put those things — that they never needed before.

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I’ve been trying to forget Heaven’s Gate for 35 years.

Not so much; in TM it was around $30. The real joke was that the mantra wasn’t personalized, there were about 2 dozen, assigned based on when the instructor was trained and what the initiate’s age was at the time.

I’ve carried a phone since '99, probably took me until '05 or so to stop forgetting it. My other ‘EDC’ crap is just wallet, cash and smokes, which all just sits in my pockets, easy.

As for anything else, seems I’ve arranged my life so I can generally avoid having to carry miscellaneous crap around.


But it’s easier for Americans that way. “Gun” just means gun. No association necessary.

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I use a combination of two methods to ensure I never leave behind the things I need:

  • The takeoff/landing strip - everything I carry to work fits in my pockets, and it all comes out when I arrive home, going on a shelf by the door. When I leave, I just scoop up the things and roll out.

  • A checklist taped to the back of the door: wallet, work key, flashlight, knife, work phone, personal phone, sunglasses, etc.

And I also have my super man-bag, which contains all the things that go wherever I go, whether for work, play, whatever, so I just grab it whenever I leave.

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“Purse and wallet, keys and hat; locked the door, fed the cat.”




Or shoes, at least?



Wallet, phone, keys, tissues, cycle clips. Wallet and phone in my right and left pockets, everything else permanently in my coat pockets.

Then I put on a different coat, and my day is ruined.


We have a metal door, so I keep a magnet there. When I need to remember something important, I put a bit of paper with BIG LETTERS that drapes over the lock. Like this morning. Needed to remember food for office thing. To prevent the Orange Marauder (cat) from playing with the plastic the strawberries were in (and then the strawberries when he got the container open…), the food had to stay in the fridge. So this morning was a piece of paper saying STRAWBERRIES over the locks I needed to unlock to get out the door.


Except prescription medication. Or medical devices.


String. The answer is string. Important Objects are fastened to your belt loops with some kind of lanyard. Hard to get far from home without pants.

I’ve never found mnemonic devices very useful. Feels to me like a lot of mental gymnastics.


I use this method, and it works great until I leave my car keys with the parking attendant at the book store. I will typically scare myself at least a half-dozen times checking my pocket while browsing, then having to recall my keys are not missing, they’re just temporarily gone.


I keep my work ID on a chain attached to my pants. I somehow forgot my ID one day. Without thinking, I put on a new pair of jeans instead of wearing the ones I wore the day before (like I usually do). I couldn’t figure out where the ID was until I went to the bathroom and noticed that I didn’t have my belt on, either.

I have no idea what was wrong with me that morning.


I’ve had that morning, many times.

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