These multi-tools fit right in your wallet

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Bought one of those a few years back. It’s never been out of my wallet. If I had to do it over again, I’d probably pass. While it’s only $10, there are more useful things (usb stick, clip-on shades, et. al.) that I can spend $10 on.

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“However, when you’re doing that, you’re still carrying a knife, and it’s one extra thing to keep track of when you’re going about your business.”

I had this problem too, but buying one with a clip means for the first time in my life I have kept a knife for more than a couple years before losing it. Actually, huh, I think I may have had it for over 10 years now.

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I recently bought a Kizer Feist specifically for its clip (among other reasons). I clip it horizontally into the front pocket of my trousers/jeans. Had a similar (but shittier) knife before, never lost it or the Feist once in 8-9 years.


I actually had the opposite problem. I’ve got one of those utility key things, that’s basically permanently attached to my keychain, where I don’t have to think about it. You can imagine my horror the day I realized I’d accidentally smuggled the thing past airport security.

(Also, c’mon, TSA, really? It’s not like I was hiding it. I put my keys in the little bin, like I was supposed to. I refuse to believe whatever the newest invasion of privacy you cooked up will be any use, if you can’t master the basic visual inspection stuff in the bin)

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The little folding knife thing that looks like a key?

They used to let you take on 4" or less pocket knives. They let me take that on the plane pre 9/11, but the bullet shaped cigar punch I had to check.

Granted this was Canada, but I even said, “So I can’t take this even though I can’t possibly hurt anyone with it, but I can take my knife?”

“Yes it is under 4”."

Yep. It’s useless about 90% of the time, but occasionally you can get a box or beer bottle open with it. Of course, these days you’re not supposed to have even that little thing.

I’m a little bit surprised at 4" though. That’s a pretty decent sized pocket knife. Hell, I’m pretty sure it’s not legal to carry a knife longer than 3" in the UK.

I got one of these things for free with some other purchase. Tried to use it and it wasn’t worth the price I paid.

Pretty sure it was under 4". Might have been 3". Though Canada and the US have less restrictive knife laws than the UK. They have been running anti-knife campaigns and even make kitchen knives that you can’t stab people with.

Of course since 9/11 none are allowed on planes. I don’t really fly anymore, but when I did I put it in my check in. Once I forgot it and hit it in some landscaping. Had to do that with the court house once. Right net to the hypodermic needle someone dropped :confused:

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Had one in my wallet for years. Flew out of Columbus, Ohio, and the TSA guy picked it out of my wallet & took it away.
His reason was the tiny saw edge could cut through his blue non-latex glove. I said “really??” and for an answer he dumped out my carry-on and and looked at every square inch inside, then went through my clothes, shoes, toiletries, and accessories. He even jumbled up my neatly stowed charger cables. He then scooped up everything, shoved it mostly back in the bag, and waved me through with a smile.
I spent about 10 minutes refolding and carefully stowing all my stuff at the end of the counter. He kept glaring, but I calmly said nothing, did nothing, stayed blank.
(I’m really not comfortable in airports anymore.)
Anyway, it came in handy a few times, and I should pick up another one someday.

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