How to slurp ramen

Sony Chiba knows how it is done…


I prefer the infinite noodle…


Because MSG is its own flavor and the “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” is ungrounded in science.


Well duh the instant noodles are full of salt and non nutritive calories.
I do love proper fresh made ramen or udon full of things other than extra salty broth and that is probably no worse for you than a good homemade chicken soup.


When I was a teenager, my (super cool) aunt took me to see Tampopo and then to have ramen at this little place. It was 10 at night, and the whole place was full. Full of people slurping ramen with gusto.

I should have known better than to click this link. Now, I want ramen, but it’s just leftover meatloaf for dinner. Waaah, poor me :stuck_out_tongue: j/k it’s good meatloaf.


I’m not an MSG warrior (or worrier, whatever), but it seems akin to buying banana chips with “artificial banana flavoring”. The product is supposed to have it already!


Slurping udon is easy to do without looking messy


I just practiced at lunch today… Mmmmmm


Incorrect way to slurp ramen?


My mama would snatch me bald headed if I ate like that.

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Anyone need to practice a little at multiplying by two? Because…

The fun factor here has to include being able to go home at the end of one’s shift with all of one’s fingers intact:


@pesco … this is obligatory, and if you haven’t seen the Japanese movie Tampopo yet, I really hope you are able to find the time. Every second of this film is pure gold. This is one of my favorite scenes in any movie, though it’s hard to pick just one from it…


I don’t slurp. I also eat french fries with a fork, and usually take apart sandwiches. It’s been years since I’ve made ramen noodles, but it isn’t that hard (well, getting them super thin and curly is, but that’s what practice and technique are for).

I am a heathen, I like a bonito, dashi, and ponzu broth. With cherry tomatoes, enough basil to choke a horse (a la pho), and onion. Sometimes I add an egg, I almost never add meat. And I frequently don’t finish the noodles, the broth is the part I’m after.

That rich, carbohydrate infused, sweet/sour/salty/umami broth…

Gawd, now I want a bowl of ramen.

(I’ve never understood the butter though)


What are you? Some kind of s3kr3t Canadian?


And I never swill…


I didn’t even know Ivan had left Tokyo for NYC

All my life feeling a cheater and a weirdo for using a spoon to help me with the ramen… and then, I find it is normal… :cry:

Now I can proudly slurp my ramen with a side spoon! :smiley:

well that’s just fucking beautiful. Guess it’s ramen night outside.

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It would be miso ramen. They serve it in restaurants.

Ramen places usually have a couple of different types of soup:
Typically it is Tonkatsu ramen (simmered pork base, totally awesome stuff)
Miso ramen
Shoyo ramen (Soy sauce base, not as bad as it sounds)
Shio ramen (salt base, also better than it sounds)

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In honour of this thread I made ramen last night with the left over roast chicken and bok choy and crispy chicken skin.
I had no broth in the house so I carmalized some Cipollini onions in chicken fat and added soya sauce and water and fish sauce and used that. It was divine. :slight_smile: