How to think critically about news quotes from unnamed "government sources" under trumpism

Like I said, Im no Le Pen supporter, but what do you have to factually back up your statements?


That’s a fun way to parody Trump. But I don’t think that’s what is at play here. I think its much simpler than that. Trump’s worldview is hyper-reductive, there are only two categories in life: “good for trump” and “bad for trump.”

Anything that might put his already tenuous claim to legitimacy (losing the popular vote by 3 million obviously burns him up) must be discredited with everything he’s got. Which is why his team leaked his ridiculous threat to restructure the CIA. Yet another example of his tactic: “Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard.”

All that cronyism with Russia (and god knows who else) is probably true, but he’s not even thinking about it. If anything his over-the-top reaction to all of this draws attention to those questions because of a “methinks the trump doth protest too much” effect.


Why? No facts to back this up either

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If he actually said that to you, good enough. He’s more to the left than I am, so I’m a bit surprised he gave money where a more centrist liberal like myself wouldn’t.

That Jean-Marie Le Pen and the National Front pushed ultra-nationalist and right-wing agendas through a populist platform? That’s been well understood for decades now.

That a right-wing party that pushes economic isolationism, xenophobia, extreme law-and-order, traditional native values, and ultra-nationalism can be classified as fascist? Again, well understood.

That the National Front has a history of anti-Semitism? Many examples over its history, including lots of Holocaust denialism. Here’s a baked treat from dear old dad (convicted by French courts on charges of racism and incitement over the years) from as late as 2014.

That the party has shifted its focus from the perfidy of Jews to that of Muslims? Here’s an article (albeit from an evil Semitic source) on the how’s and why’s. Short version: it’s PR and an attempt to woo short-sighted right-wing Jews who hate Muslims more than they hate fascists.

It’s charming that some think that Marine has suddenly found a special place in her heart for the Jews, but if the National Front had a shot at gaining real power there I’d be looking to make my exit if I was a French Jew.


Well, yeah. You don’t think “good for trump” = his Russian creditors going a little easier on him on repayment terms in exchange for him going easier on their patron and his regional ambitions?

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Where is this other Cory Doctorow? The one I read was highly critical of her, but not to the extent of thinking that she was worse than Trump.

If that makes you a Hillary supporter then I guess I am one too.


I have a theory about Russophiles.

Back before 1991, the United States had a security interest in encouraging people to study Russian, to investigate Russian culture, and perhaps understand the Russian mind.

And in 1991, all this changed. Much of what made Russia interesting became-- well history. A PhD in Russian became about as useful as a PhD in German.

Putin’s ambitions (however distasteful), are the field’s last best hope for relevance.


Depends on who they’re lying to.

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I studied Russian history and language in university. This has definitely upped my cachet with some of my clients in the years since Putin took over, but I’d trade it all back if the Russian masses could finally free themselves from their addiction to despots. While I love many aspects of Russian culture I don’t make excuses for the political culture that’s existed in various authoritarian forms since the days of the Tsar. This is why I’m dismayed when people dismiss, if not outright deny, Putin’s actions in support of his autocratic and nationalist rule.


I asked him directly via twitter and he told me he funded her


Also, was it before or after the last primary? If before, how much earlier was it?


He is a Canadian-born British citizen only recently living in the US, so is mainly an outside observer.

I asked him to substantiate a claim he made in a recent Boing Boing piece he wrote about Marie Le Pen and he did not respond.
“Care to substantiate the “Le Pen is one little moustache short of a swastika” claim?”

Cory doesn’t often engage in the comments part of BB, and in any event the confrontational way you worded your challenge made it eminently ignorable.

However, I agree with you: Le Pen is more than one one little moustache short of a swastika; she also needs one little ball.


Hail Eris!


All Hail Discordia!



Pundits and editoriaialists must promote the


Or the opposite?

Digital photos dont lie!

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Just to be a troublemaker I’ll point out that a great many good ol’ boys fund both sides! :slight_smile:


You are right but Cory wont do this as he is a Hillary supporter

Ahem, please don’t think no one will call you out for lying or not giving a shit about “facts”. You’ll mostly be ignored… eventually.

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Now if we could just get the majority of the voting populace to put on their critical thinking caps…