How U.S. media would report on shutdown if it were happening in another country

@GilbertWham has a cold, I felt the need to express the plight of the non-US internet user and @Boundegar is really just collateral damage.

It was never about Slate.

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What do you mean, back to work?


Wait, is that “we” as in the internet, or “we” as in Americans?

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Me? I’m not bothered in the least, but thanks for the concern. It’s a beautiful Tuesday outside the beltway, and I’m playing hooky.

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Well, quite, although am I right in thinking that it’s the civil servants (as we’d call them), eg NASA workers, who are on unpaid leave, while the actual politicians are still getting paid?
Really though, what needs to happen for the shutdown to end? Do you have to wait until the politicians come to an agreement?

It must be “we” as in Americans, since generally internet users in other parts of the world seem to be aware that they’re speaking from a specific part of the world that does things in a way that might be different from other parts of the world.

Of course I feel compelled to put in a lot of weaselly qualifiers here, because we’re all individuals. I’m sure there are internet users in other parts of the world who write as though their audience is strictly local, and, hey, there are some of us Americans who are well-informed enough to know that there are even parts of the world where Thanksgiving ain’t a holiday, and Christmas falls in the middle of summer!


I’ll have to leave the other bit for someone else to answer, I’m on your island.

Fair do’s :wink:

Well, it’s a nice day for it.

Edit: It said ‘outside’, so my flimsy joke didn’t even make sense.

A phenomenon of public high schools wherein students (typically males) compete to offend the sensibilities of anyone else who might use the toilet.

I wanted the details, not the definition. Sounded like a story that was going somewhere.

OO===B ~ ~ ~ Congrusss

Something like that (too much detail?)

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Nailed. It.

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I’ll take “just the whole damn internet” for a eight hundred.


The internet is an idiot.

I do my part!

Helping is Fun!

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Nathan the shutdown is truly miraculous. I find myself agreeing with you!
Then again, I am from the internet. :wink:

George Takei just posted this to Facebook.