How U.S. media would report on shutdown if it were happening in another country

Living on the other side of the pond and not following American politics closely, I don’t fully know what’s been happening. From what I gather, the government encountered some problem and didn’t know how to fix it, so they called the IT department and they suggested trying to turn it off and on again. Is this correct?



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Oh, no, not the whole government. That won’t happen until the 17th. Nope, the DEA, NSA, DoD, FBI, TSA and all other POS agencies that are nearly universally reviled are still operational. So, don’t get too shouty at us because the NSA is still listening and the military is still operating the killer drones while destitute children are left hungry in the streets. (Not at all kidding about that last one, the federal program that helps feed financially disadvantaged children has shut down.)


You just reminded me of that old joke:

Two [insert your favorite mock-worthy minority] are standing on opposite sides of a lake. One yells across to the other: “how do I get to the other side?” The second one replies: “You idiot! You ARE on the other side!”

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Asked another way - What would we do if this same thing were happening here, but CAUSED by another country? I assume we’d call them terrorists.
Here we just call them Republicans.

I took Tim_W’s comment to be a fun, funny reminder that The Series of Tubes yet remains a sovereign territory and hence, whatever things happen in the US, or any other country, are happening somewhere else.

and everyone who makes blogs forgets to mention which gaddum country and city they are in. So many times I’ve gotten excited over some show or art thing some friends were posting about, and arranged to go, before realizing that it was a different 14th ave, different country.

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Re: British vs. US politics:

I’m originally English, but I’ve been in the states now for years on end. When I first came over I had a friend originally from Bolivia - i.e. with not much room to talk - who had been watching C-SPAN’s coverage of (UK’s) Prime Minister’s Question Time, which can be very shouty, adversarial, sarcastic and smug. My friend said that he didn’t know how a government could carry on like that. It was, he said, very undignified.

I lost track of him a while ago which is a shame because I’d certainly like to collar him and say, “Who’s undignified now, Mr. My Government Just Deadlocked To The Point Of Shutdown?”

All I can say is: Let the South secede.

Apologies to the few liberal, southern brothers out there, but: these guys have been fucking up our country too long, acting out constantly since their recent defeat in 1865. It’s just time to let them go.

Federal employees in what are considered “essential” functions are still on the job, so air traffic controllers and the like. Most of the people sent home without pay are the civil servants, as you say. For some reason, congress is still in session, because they’re considered “essential”. That’s what you get to do, when you make up the rules I guess.

Hey. Our MPs have been being smug, undignified jerks longer than anyone! We have, after all, the Mother of Parliaments. Mind you, the US’ ‘Louder, Better, Faster’ ethos has given us the GOP, whom Cameron will always be awed by…

We Americans have our strong points, but world history isn’t one of them…

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