This reminds me so much of one of the wackier webcomics i’ve read, which involves a bee powered robot
Would these wasps then represent another level for this armor? They use percussion, and in flight sound like small motorcycles (and of course have very powerful stings):
And you can’t step on the ground because it’s lava, right?
When humans can successfully negotiate with bees -instead of the usual keep them in boxes and steal their honey - the problems of SETI will be much easier to handle. Till then, lets roleplay armor filled with bees! Why the hell not?
Welcome aboard, comrade.
On the twitter page they show the back-side of the sheet, which seems to imply using this as the basis for a player character.
Oh, I just scrolled down the comments and the creator, Snickelsox, has posted the PC varient in full.
Say Swarmforged three times in to a mirror?! Nope, you don’t catch me that way AGAIN!
Damn, that’s coming close in real life to Tracker Jackers from The Hunger Games.
Imagine a suit of armor with those fuckers…
Well, it’s official, D&D dungeon-delving equipment will now include beekeeping suits and bee smokers. Otherwise, trying to fight this thing will be like an episode of Jackass - Beehive Tetherball, GAME ON!!!
Frankly, there’s nothing silly about it; it’s a GREAT monster or (somewhat OP) PC. I can also see some cool NPC interactions with neutral suits, whether before or after they are taken over by the resident queen.
I can recommend watching Sailor Moon (yes, really) for great monster ideas, as well. The Monster of the Day™ was nearly always an imaginative, rather impressively dangerous take on standard monster tropes. Good example: an angel that doesn’t attack directly but instead plucks ONE feather from a wing, which floats over to your head and draws a roughly 1-meter circle, from which a boulder the size of the circle (say, 200-500 lbs.) immediately falls. It then draws another circle, and another, ad nauseam. Then, just as you think you can handle it, the angel spreads its wings, and fires dozens or hundreds of feathers at you/your party…
Do I really need to transcribe all Rick’s putdowns of Million Ants? I’m lazy.
What’s this? You need help with your next session?
Fear not, citizen! Dr. Bees knows how to increase the CR of that encounter!
Shouldn’t this one be required whenever bees are mentioned?
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