Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/17/hud-vs-facebook.html
I find myself perpetually stunned when someone in the executive branch of this administration actually does something right.
Does Ben Carson know about this?
Cue “free speech absolutist” rants in 3… 2… 1…
Sure, because aiding and abetting racial housing discrimination is totally ‘defensible.’
I have to (well, maybe not have to) admit that this hadn’t occurred to me.
Targeted advertising, of this thing I am aware.
That it’s a kind of discrimination, fascinating.
I hope they don’t stop at Facebook… all the (most all) platforms target.
What does he care about some minuscule (to him they’re all minuscule) fine.
This is why they need to be able to piece the corporate veil and holder the owners personally accountable.
And allow criminal charges - not just fines.
Facebook’s defense: But the president and his father did it!
And they got sued, and lost.
To be fair, not everyone there is a Trumpian shitgibbon. It just seems like it sometimes.
No, they’re not, but as soon as they surface, they’ll get tossed out or silenced.
The swamp draining process is not yet complete. There are still a few people in the civil service with souls. Give them a bit more time, and that problem will be 100% corrected.
And again, parallel to your point, I do feel the need to point out that he specifically said “drain the swamp”, not “dredge the swamp”. When you drain it, you’re left with all the detritus and debris that made it hazardous in the first place.
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