Huge Pac-Man crop circle was protest against Czech prime minister

Originally published at: Huge Pac-Man crop circle was protest against Czech prime minister | Boing Boing

I’m actually impressed with the quality of the image they made with crop damage.

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I have to admit I don’t understand their problems or this disjointed message, but I do get that the politicians in charge are usually no better than shit on a stick. So on that alone, I say well done!


Oh, and that photo of a dozen hooded, masked, yellow bio-guerillas wielding battery-operated hedge trimmers? That’s just a movie poster without a film yet! Move over, Freddy, the Hedge Trimmers are taking Hollywood today.


At first, I thought it was just a regular center pivot irrigation(see below). But this required a lot more work.


It’s important when you commit agricultural terrorism to have a cogent message.

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It seems to be an unworkable mishmash of green-capitalism and libertarian-capitalism. Whatever problems there are with the Czech government, I know that this will never be the solution.

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