"I Have A Dream" - Martin Luther King Jr

It is a catchy chorus…

I believe in angels Something good in everything I see I believe in angels When I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream, I have a dream
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FWIW, Schneider is half filipino and half jewish. But he gets the benefit of passing as white. He’s also been a stereotypical conservative freakazoid for many years now. As I recall, he really started to go off the rails about the same time he became a vitamin king-pin. What is it with conservatives and vitamins? Is it a reductive thing - like believing all the important stuff in life can be boiled down into a pill?


It truly amazes me that he basically improvised the entire speech. What an amazing speaker.

And now…


May I suggest that you read some of the many writings of the current Dalai Lama?

He’s got a few ideas on loving your enemies, non-violence, compassion etc…


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