I want these gyro-buses to happen

“To the Shawarmobile!”


That era of Peugots can do anything.


Attempting for my own curiosity answer the question of, “Who are these assholes?”


Certainly seems likely that it’s just one guy making renders for some sci-fi project, instead of a real company that is trying to sell dozens of types of tech that there’s literally no real life photos, videos of, just renders.


In my experience, that seems a characteristic of a certain type of engineers.

By the way, a different kind of gyrobus used to be a thing:


Knowing that I could rely on everyone else to make the point about what a load of horseshit this idea is, my first question was: why two pylons, and not just one?


Yeah, there are a whole bunch of reasons why even fully autonomous flying cars are a bad, bad idea.

Yes, exactly.

A far more practical kind.
I’m reminded that pneumatic subways were a thing long before Hyperloop…


It will travel “over the rest of traffic.” The rest of traffic being, what, under 11 foot 8?



Ah yes, indeed. There is nothing new under the sun… :wink:


Well, I mean, you wouldn’t want it to topple over, would you?

I think it’s a fine idea, because the decision-makers in Washington are eager to spend money on mass transport for poor people. Or rich people who don’t feel like driving and don’t mind riding crowded hover-buses packed with poor people.

The company’s triple ring gyroscope logo thingie is right out of Contact:


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I like the theory that it’s some kind of patent farm where they just make up all kinds of outlandish inventions so they can patent ideas that might one day become useful.

Youtube channel Retsupurae did a whole series where they’d watch Dahir Insaat videos and comment on them, but they got taken down.
Some kind soul has mirrored the videos on Google Drive, “Coffin Bed” is probably my favourite: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8ENGke08-ClaDVZZnFRTHZXWkk

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I hadn’t finished Anna Karenina yet! I guess I don’t have to now.

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It’s classic Dahir Insane: overwrought, over-complicated, and generally ridiculous “solutions” to dubious problems. Check out their other stuff on the Youtube, it’s hilarious. Like their infamous earthquake bed that eats you alive if there’s a quake:


Did you notice ? They never show anyone get in the damn thing. Do they have stations ? Do they get on street level ?

It’s an over-engineered solution to the absurd idea that everyone in a city should use a car. I don’t know for the US but in Europe most big metropolitan cities are restricting the use of cars, making room for trams, bus lanes, and bikes.
Nobody want a flying saucer on stilts, constantly using energy to not fall, crush everything and everyone, and block a street for tree days.

The gyro fire-fighter seems like a better idea (?) but I see fire-fighter using tram and bus lanes a lot, soooo maybe not so much.

  • How do I get in this bed without a ladder ?

  • The Dahir Insaat get-to-bed-drone is our new invention !

…Where do the support poles go when it crouches? It really can’t have a crouch/rise distance greater than the height of the cabin. Unless the poles telescope in multiple sections and you don’t see that in the video. Each segment is another point of failure, and unlike antennas, these are carrying a SIGNIFICANT load.


A Morrison would be simpler. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_raid_shelter#Morrison_shelter


Still might be worth the read. It’s been on my “must Classic” list for awhile now.