Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/23/iconic-a-team-van-gets-a-moder.html
LOL this kid… Airwolf, Nightrider, The A Team, etc. were not “twenty years ago”!!! Hilarious. I guess he is barely twenty years old himself, so anything older than he is must be from that far far away time of “twenty years ago”! #kidsthesedays #getoffmylawn #itiedanoniononmybeltwhichwasthestyleatthetime
¡Ay, caramba!
… could be useful on a van.
To be fair, that looks like a Nissan Silvia, which is rear wheel drive. I do somehow doubt that spoiler was tested in a wind tunnel…
I’ve always called those oversized spoilers on small(ish) cars a ‘convenient carrying handle’.
To be fair, everything feels like it was 20 years ago. Until you start doing the math.
I almost posted this one…
Spoiler Alert!
I’ve been of the opinion for some time that they call it a “spoiler” because the type of driver is no longer a surprise.
He’s right, Airwolf was awesome.
So that is what a spoiler alert is for
I read the name, and my brain immediately starts playing the theme tune.
Why should I be the only one to suffer?
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