Idahoans claim that SAGA comic causes "unnecessary risk to children"

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“Saga” causes “unnecessary risk to children”.

As opposed to firearms, pollution, pedestrian-slaughtering SUVs, religious indoctrination, and cuts to education, benefits and health services, which are substantially riskier to children, but are “necessary risks” essential to maintaining the kind of hellscape in which they apparently believe we should all live.


More MAGA, less SAGA.

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Saga is very clearly a comic for adults…


Meaning Selina Kyle GIF by Gotham

Doesn’t mean it’s “harmful” for children as these fascists are claiming. Plenty of things are made for adults, and we should not ban them or keep them from children necessarily. It really should be up to families to make those choices, not some asshole fascists. they can fuck right off with their book banning drives and I don’t understand the need to try and say “they might have a point”… It never stops with banning shit for children, much like the attack on trans kids has not stopped with children.


That’s why it’s not in the children’s section of the library and never was. Problem solved.


Fun fact:

Bugs Bunny cartoons weren’t originally meant for kids.


And why public libraries here ask you when you are trying to borrow a book with your child and it’s flagged as adult and they are on a kid card “would you like a young adult card? It’s so your child can borrow anything they want without having to ask you to do it for them.”

Why yes helpful librarian. That sounds wonderful. Sign us up.


Why, it’s almost like the profession of librarians have gotten together, thought about thorny issues such as material that not all parents would find appropriate for their kids, and found solutions to that issue that doesn’t necessitate us having to ban books… :thinking:


I have some Italian comics that aren’t absolutely meant for children.

Do not follow the links if you’re scared by drawings of naked people.

All Milo Manara

Il Troio by Andrea Camerini


Dylan Dog


I have been meaning to read this. I really need to check out my local library. I was there for a work thing and they had a big Graphic Novel section.

To be fair, the very first page of the very first chapter of SAGA

I mean - that does happen more times than it doesn’t. I don’t know all of the content inside, but even if it is labeled and for the adult section, then fine. Not everything in the library is for all age levels. I can’t stand this pearl clutching like it is supposed to be.


SAGA is amazing and heartbreaking.
The series is petering out to its conclusion soon - the large omnibuses are the best way to go and do go on sale.


It’s a very engaging well written book, hopefully the attacks will get it more readership.


Honestly, it’s a brilliant opening scene. It sets the tone for the entire series: we’re going to explore some uncomfortable realities of adulthood with vulgar humor and also aliens. Sign me up!


I wouldn’t let a 7 year old read Saga. And there’s a lot of art think a younger kid might only understand superficially. But at say 14. I think there’s no problem here. Adolescents are going to easily grasp nuance and be able to place topics like sex and violence in the right context.

Full Metal Alchemist is what the younger kids want but it is too hard for me to read or watch again.

Fullmetal Alchemist Dog GIF by Funimation


Maybe they’re just afraid it means “Stop America Great Again”?

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Meanwhile in Oklahoma schools are being required to teach The Bibul to all the kids and Louisiana has to have the 10 commandments stuck up in every classroom from K through university. I’m really sick of these pseudo christians trying to cram their mythology down every kid in public school systems. How is this not an outright constitutional violation of separation of church and state? Are there any democracies in the world that aren’t under fascist attack?


Backing the 80’s my local library assumed that any ‘comic’ was defacto for kids, and therefore was shelved next to the kids section.
That’s how I came to read Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey when I was about 8, complete with sex scenes. These days it would probably have been put in the ‘young adult’ section, if such a thing had existed back then in my little local library.
There was also a graphic novel version of The Light Fantastic, which largely went over my head at that age, but got me into reading Pratchett, for which I shall be eternally grateful.

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How long before they start cracking down on these subversives?