If Asian people acted like white people in restaurants

The closest I’ve ever been to a NY diner was Eisenberg’s in the Flatiron District and they close at 4pm. I guess they’re more of a lunch counter, but still. Now the bodegas out in Queens, those are open 24x7 and perfect for a late night munch.

Or they worked third shift.


Being polite to people doing things for you is just good manners.

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I see what you did there.

At least in terms of what the video is pointing out, it seems like making a huge deal about any perceived “respectfulness” you might be bestowing is kind of the joke. Like, okay, if you’ve spent time somewhere and know such and such a thing is the norm, do that, but maybe don’t make a big thing out of it.
Her bit about knowing how to eat with a fork was a hilarious twist on when white people make a big deal about, “oh, no, I don’t need silverware. I know how to eat with chopsticks…” You know? It’s the broadcasting that makes it silly.


Yeah, it’s like a sort of virtue signaling, and “cultural appropriation” too. A culinary version of white folks with dreads?


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