Originally published at: If the person who named Walkie-Talkies named other things too | Boing Boing
The term was originally applied to the SCR-300, a backpack radio from WWII. The handheld SCR-536 was called a "handie-talkie) but that name didn’t stick.
The French name for this object is talkie-walkie, with the Ls pronounced (not tawkie-wawkie). Kinda like the Spanish word cocodrilo (for crocodile, not walkie-talkie).
ETA: each al in the French word talkie-walkie is pronounced as in “gal” not as in “gall” (much less as in walk or talk).
Boingy Boingy Webby Loggie
Our walkie-talkies (walkies-talkie?) at work are still made by Motorola. The guts, a small oval unit, fits in the palm of your hand. It clips onto your clothes and is attached by a cord to an ear piece. We wear them for security; library, sadly. We also get a lot of chatter from construction sites using the same frequencies, and they must hear us too, and wonder about what the hell goes on in libraries.
Popty ping.
You may notice it is NOT named walkie-talkie-chewy-gummy.
Lingerie - Scanty-Panties
computer mice-> pickie-clickies
doggos –> furrie-scurries
scouring pads → rubbie-scrubbies
We call them scrubby-dubbies in this house.
But the L in “talk” and “walk” are always pronounced, are they not? “Talk” is pronounced like “tall” with a “k” sound appended, not like “tawk”.
Students are “study-buddies,” of course.
Superior device for picking up dog feces: sooper dooper pooper scooper ™.
ETA Trademark registration expired.
raring faring - a ricer
straight 8 - smallish cylinder glass
deprecated home instated- the chimney and hearth
dropsy goth tree - 40’ plus fruit tree
Rat: scurry-worry.
Priest: ready-pedi. (I KID.)
Four-square, by gum, American: flaggy-waggy.
Seaty Shitey.
I’ll let you figure out this one.