I do, actually. Not very. (Although it does help if the hair is already fine & sparse.)
I do, actually. Not very. (Although it does help if the hair is already fine & sparse.)
Don’t take the fruit metaphor too far. Cory will get ideas.
None. But most people do it anyway, and rights without teeth and just abstract philosophy.
I agree, but not here in this thread.
We all struggle with disappointment
Orange people may be ignored. Grapefruit people, however, are strangely respectable.
Oooo…new This gif. I’ve been shopping for one of those. Grazie!
You are appleing my leg! We’ve got to cherries our metaphors. They have cultural currants, see?
[quote=“popobawa4u, post:11, topic:88177”]
To me, man and woman are arbitrary categories with no innate meaning.[/quote]
Well there’s that whole child bearing thing I hear that all our mothers took part in on account of our being alive. That’s got to be worth something.
You’re most welcome; I have more than a few in my own collection.
Well, I would say that it IS something, but how often do people do that? What makes an accidental feature which you might really make use of for 1%-2% of your life define you? It occurred to me at a young age that people don’t actually have a sex unless they are actually engaging in reproduction at the time. So most people at any given time are sex-neutral. Gender is simply a matter of which personality happens to be driving the body around at the time. YMMV!
You seriously deserve a khepra for that one.
Oh no you didn’t! XD
I guess that’s why I usually don’t go into much detail about my views on sex and gender. They aren’t very popular.
Sometimes I think you’re secretly a Special Circumstances agent for the Culture
I fucking love the cheese factory that is Saint Seiya, you don’t even know
Ha ha! The joke is on you! As a cis het white male society has made me immune to any criticisms such as this!
My brother has Hobbit Feet. I’ve seen him shave his feet in date prep. I know how hard this is to do without causing a literal bloody mess.
Tweezing the toes is much better than shaving, IMO.
I prefer tweezing the hairs rather than the toes, but sometimes you just gotta fit into those pumps.