If you need a shot of dopamine, watch this adorable vampire-esque rock hyrax munching on greens and sweet potatoes

Originally published at: If you need a shot of dopamine, watch this adorable vampire-esque rock hyrax munching on greens and sweet potatoes | Boing Boing


Their cousin, the tree hyraxes, make sounds which make you believe forest gods would be talking to each other.

Them, some lemurs and some gibbons would be the weirdest acapella band from another world, for sure.

Interestingly, I can’t recall the call of the rock hyrax. Maybe they sleep at night, and keep quiet during the day? Anyone knows?

Yellow-spotted rock hyrax Heterohyrax brucei for the fun of it. That was by far the coolest girl on the block. She had a good look at me and my unpointed incisors, and ignored me henceforth while lounging and modeling just like a star.


The Rock Hyrax’s little feet are adorable.

Edit: “Though rock hyraxes resemble rodents, their closest living relatives are actually elephants and manatees.” Evolution is great. It reminds me of the Pudd’nhead Wilson quote, “truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction is obliged to stick to probability, and truth ain’t.”


Oh, look at that toothi boi go! That is freaking adorable.

“Mommy, mommy - look, the weird fat dog is eating lettuce!”


That was more of a serotonin hit for me. :blush:

I don’t know, Cat from Bill Making Stuff is right up there.

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