“'Sup, R. Beauty?”
And I took it to be an invitation, or possibly even an order:
Drink in the beauteousness of us
Seen in Pyeongtaek, South Korea - rather annoyed I didn’t have time to go in and investigate!
Also Pyeongtaek - Oxfords, not Brogues…
George Washington National Forest
Paw paws are in bloom!
Some clown added a plaque on the underside of Copernicus Ridge. Why?
Signs in Woodstock, VA
The local brewery has a guitar, amp, and mic in case someone feels like playing.
Unsure of whether the locals would appreciate my cover of Flipper’s Life.
Some construction near us had the road closed for a bit.
This guy was in front of us, no suprise he was blocking driveways and business entrances as he inched through.
The two ends of the design scale.
Well… the airstream seems nice, at least… I’m surprised the cybertruck is able to haul it.
I’m waiting for the follow-up picture of an Airstream at the side of the road, connected to a Wankpanzer rear bumper and hitch.
And the Wankpanzer is on fire.
Maybe the airstream is hauling the extra range batteries and extra steering cables for the CyberMusk Truck?
[Overview of Current Photo Contests (cewe.co.uk)]
[Sony World Photography Awards | World Photography Organisation]
[2024 Global Prize - Photography 4 Humanity]
The INTERNATIONAL BIRD RINGING PHOTO CONTEST is a nature photography contest organized by the Ringing Scheme of the Aranzadi Sciences Society. The aim of this contest is the divulgation of the the mission, vision and values associated with the scientific ringing of birds, in favor of the research and conservation of this group of living beings.
We look for high quality photographs, both technically and aesthetically, of wild, non-captive bird species, tagged with any type of individual identification mark (metal, color or Darvic ring, collar, wing band, etc.) or tracking device (GPS, radio transmitter, etc.). Birds that, through these brands, tell us a story of monitoring and conservation. Birds, in short, that illustrate the why of bird ringing.
That’s a great idea!
My Grandtoddler is fixated on “Bandaids” and would love to have some giant ones!
Are they stuck on Bandaids?