If You See Something (IRL), Post Something! (Part 1)

@FGD135’s link says it better than I ever could.

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Sure, I read that earlier today, but it was unclear if that’s what you were aiming for? Thanks for clarification.

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More to the point, what sort of person with money and means would willingly sit next to Donald Trump?


Counterquestion: what sort of person (or corporation) acquires this level of money and means, and how?
Right now, Apple is a bank that dabbles in consumer electronics as a sideline. But it doesn’t want to be treated like a bank. It’s also not overly fond of paying taxes, especially on all that lovely offshore money. And a full-scale trade war with China would be at least a major hassle, what with all the ‘designed in California’ hardware being built there.
So, just another business meeting.


Interesting. Could you explain how Apple is a bank?

Gentle reminder y’all, this thread is for notable things you see in the real world!

like this supernatural view of Lady Liberty from my office kitchen.

Or this children’s book finale, inexplicably full of subliminal butts and vulvas.

I know the internet is sorely lacking in a place for talk of politics and corporate financial shenanigans, but we’ll find a home for that stuff yet, I have faith :wink:


And these nifty pictures of ice in the alley-of-the-shadow-of-death outside my office (Previously. Have I become obsessed, or is my life just that small?):


Besides sitting on a large pile of cash, offering financial services and using practically every financial instrument there is at a huge international scale, they also own and control the world’s largest hedge fund. There is much, much more to Apple than sleek phones and nice computers.
Maybe not a bank in the classical sense, but quite probably what banking will be like in the near future. To quote The Street (link below): “For all intents and purposes, Apple is an undervalued bank.”

Seems like a contradiction at first glance, but isn’t:


Except even if you ignored him before, you should know now that Trump’s administration may as well be run by a pair of dice. Nothing he tells you has so much as a 30% chance of being true, and flattery will only ingratiate yourself to him for the length of his memory, which is about 30 minutes.


Given the tiny reserve rates banks are now allowed, Apple probably has more actual cash than any bank…

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If loving tiny, intricate environments is crazy, throw me in the boobyhatch, my friend. My sister-in-law owns property with a waterfall, and some of their frozen fall-spray is spectacular. I also have a collection of digital video of tiny spring runoff streams, including one of my favorites from coney island, replete with somehow beautiful cigarette butts and fast food wrapper scraps twinkling in the spring sunlight. Gotta track those down and make a supercut.


I’d really like to see this. I hope you can locate them.


Apple has more cash than most countries.


Did the (IRL) just appear in the title? I didn’t notice it before.

How about: snow on the ground in Mid-town Tucson.

Huge flakes coming down most of the day, which is how it stuck at all, since it was actually about 35° outside.

Two weeks ago Friday, I guess. Much of the snow was gone the next day, and it was over 90° yesterday.


Apple pay or whatever?

Last weekend, thanks in part to the snow, a good wildflower bloom on Picacho Peak


Also, we do sunsets here.


Yes, I added that just this morning along with my gentle reminder. It’s in the OP for this topic, but I popped it in the title.

also I SDOL (Said “Damn” Out Loud) in my office at that sunset shot.


And, so it happens, tonight.

Doesn’t really do it justice: violets, aquas, turquoises, wrapping around over 180°.