Amusing motto.
sighted yesterday
I guess it’s true then. Sunsets ARE purple, and red, and yellow, and ON FIRE…
Lived almost 20 years in SF, which never had fluffy white clouds, and always thought about that song when I looked up at the gray sheet overhead.
I, um… what?
“I” have been driving by this “sign” for “fourteen” years and I still don’t understand “it.”
Maybe it’s like manga emoji stress lines.
I would find a better image, but googling “anime face sweat drops flying” at work was starting to feel…risky.
Not very brave but eminently sensible.
I’ve had ample opportunity to study it and I’m sure that’s what it is. You can see that the quotes are someone’s brilliant aftermarket upgrade, meant to emphasize how much they want NO trucks. It pleases me nonetheless to reflect on the ways that graphic design illiteracy undermines messaging.
Edited to correct the spelling of illiteracy. Oh, the irony.
At the Y for ballet class. killing time by the track and saw this fundraising “thermometer”. Not sure what they’re raising money for, but looks like they’re already pretty engorged with donations!
I see stuff like that and realize the person who did it doesn’t know what a thermometer is or how it works, they’re just copying someone copying someone copying something, and it would never occur to them in a million years to wonder what it is.
And with wings!
And, one assumes, hematospermia.
Well, to paraphrase Zapp Brannigan, sometimes discretion is the better part of velour.
That doesn’t look healthy.
@Mister44, this one’s for you.
Now that’s a classic example of asshole design. It’s very easy to let muscle memory take over and hit the leftmost button (since the octane ratings are normally in ascending order), and whoops! I’m paying $1 more per gallon, never mind that my car neither requires nor takes advantage of high-octane fuel.
I’ve been bitten by that one (though I only wound up with midgrade in my case).
Yeah, that one always gets me going.
The 2nd last time I went to fill up, the gas station was out of everything except their highest octane, which they were selling at the price of regular, which was in a valley at the time.
I’d have been happier if I knew less about octane.