Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/09/04/ig-shopping-instagram-is.html
Just today I was looking at some wallpaper on Instagram. None of them said the name of the wallpaper or where you could buy it. Just silly “pretty” comments like you always see on Instagram.
This makes sense. Instagram is already heavy on photos of consumer goods and experiences. It seems to me it would be easier for them to allow brands and vendors to set up their own Instagram affiliate links that could be attached to photos and then just collect the revenues (perhaps also giving a small cut to the person posting it) but if they want to go whole-hog e-commerce and compete with Amazon that’s an approach, too.
More evidence that most “innovation” isn’t innovative
I am not a fan of buying products from IG, a lot users are using this platform to find potential buyer.
Did I just hear the starter pistol go off for another Race to the Bottom?
Instagram, in my experience, is the most positive and welcoming social media platform for small retailers. It’s only natural that there be a direct sales channel - Facebook’s itself has been nothing of note for us. Instagram ads seem to generate a lot of engagement too, so having direct sales seems like a no-brainer.
Ummm … yay?
Not surprised, its the next logical step. As others have pointed out IG has devolved into shilling products. I’m not vain enough to use it so good luck with that Facebook.
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