I'm so old that

I’m so old that I remember sitting at the kitchen table while my mother cooked and watched a soap opera. The show was interrupted with news that President Kennedy had been shot.

Food from the freezer had to be taken out in the morning to thaw.

I never got over having to wear dresses, ankle socks and patent leather shoes to school.


In our early years (up to the 4th grade, I think) my older brother and I turned our encyclopedia set into a game which we called “The You-Me Game”. We’d grab a volume, open it to some random page, then from there proceed sequentially through each page. The first page in the sequence would be “assigned” to the player who opened the volume, and the second page to the other player, and from then on we’d proceed in that manner, flipping through the pages, that is, this page is you, and this page is me. Pages with photographs that had characteristics which could be leveraged into comedically insulting comebacks by the “unassigned” player were definitely taken advantage of at every opportunity. (That’s you!!) Another advantage included mutually pleasant discoveries, one example being a finally agreed on name for our German Shepherd puppy: Apollo Belvedere.


Love American Style.
S&H Green stamps.


Driving down Colfax Ave. in Denver facing the mountains as the sun was heading down behind them; probably at 40 MPH. The glare from the sun was hitting the pits in my windshield making it impossible to see far, and I couldn’t see the traffic lights because they were high and in perfect line with the sun.

But I could see the car in front of me. Instead of pulling off and waiting ten minutes for the sun to dip down a bit further so I could see again, rookie mistake, I followed him and kept about two car lengths between us. Ish.

He blew through at least one red light, although someone that had been behind me said it was more. A guy in a new very solid car turned left in front of me. I didn’t even have time to touch the brakes.

We both got out of it with minor injuries to ourselves.

My car was toast. His car was t-boned, and presumably toast. We didn’t stay in touch, so I’m just guessing.

He had just bought it a couple days before the accident. And he didn’t have it insured.


I’m so old I remember when this was a playground taunt…


UK intellectual version of The Dozens?!

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Holy shit, that’s a crazy wreck. I bet the car saved your life, though.


I guess so. “The Mary Whitehouse Experience” , comedy lad “superstars”. Honestly, they were the best we could manage in '92…


My driving skills certainly didn’t help.


Most teens aren’t great drivers, so… it wasn’t you!


I remember when The Flintstones was the new prime time show, and watching it on our very first color TV. We were late getting a color TV - my dad the electrical engineer wanted to wait for 3D, because if they can do color, how hard could 3D be ??


my high school had a smoking area, for the students.

there was no minimum age to buy tobacco.

in my tv area there was a 4th independent station that ran “slam bang theater” with icky twerp. i could see three stooges episodes and some off brand cartoons on weekday mornings.

you could get a hardship driver’s license at 13.

if a girl under 18 got pregnant she disappeared from school and never came back.

the standard school punishment was paddling and the standard paddle was a baseball bat planed down to three-fourths of an inch except for the handle and then had 3-6 holes drilled through the end to make sure that any paddling caused bruising (no kidding, those paddles were ubiquitous in every school district within 100 miles except for one or two church schools that either used dowel rods or leather belts).

bullying was considered an important part of childhood and children who complained about being bullied got swats along with their bully.

A teacher could have an affair with a 17+ year-old student (the undifferentiated age of consent in these parts) and if it was discovered it was the girl who got run out of town in disgrace (that happened 3 times from the time i was in 7th grade until i graduated).

ahhh, the good old days.


Wow, i havent seen this in forever.

“Have you seen that childs can-shaped plaything, wherein when one tips it over it cries out ‘Mooo’?”

  • “I have indeed observed such a thing”

“Thats your hi-fi stereo system that it!”


I remember the Space Race as it was happening. I watched an Apollo lift off at KSC from 3 miles away (minimum “safe” distance) because I had a grand-relative who worked at the Cape. I watched the first moon walk live on a 17-inch black-and-white with rabbit ears.

The news was whatever the local paper saw fit to print, along with whatever the NBC Nightly Oracle ordained as important.

Whenever the Mosquito Man came through spraying with his truck, all the neighborhood kids would follow him around on bikes, and no one stopped us.

Same here. Very first day, very first show. When it was over, I checked the time on my red-LED Casio wristwatch.

Oh yeah, and those stand-alone drive-up Kodak kiosks in the middle of grocery store/shopping mall parking lots, with a person inside who would take your film as you stuck your arm out the car window …



Carbon paper!


Ethylene glycol antifreeze and hairspray chock full of CFCs!


My parents scored one of those that was going to be turfed. Many a D&D character sheet and Car Wars car sheet was printed on it.
I can still remember the smell.


I still remember my home phone number from 1977.


I am pretty sure that mine would still work and I could talk to my brother on it.


A friend’s older brother gave him his old 8 track. Unfortunately, all we had for it were some old Freddie Fender cassettes…


A month ago I helped my mother transfer hers (1976) to a cellphone, so she and my father can keep it even as they move to another state.