Impressive display of bicycle ballet

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I know it’s her that made the mistake in the video description, not you, but that does not look like a castle. It looks like a room in a chateau or palais of some kind. While there were castles that received a baroque refurbishment, that would generally not incorporate large windows like the ones glimpsed in the background.

And don’t go to the YouTube comments in an attempt to find out where it was filmed. Creep central.


This is one of the things I like about humans. Give us a simple, straightforward tool like a bicycle, and we’ll find a cool way to misuse it.


You could also have gone for ‘vice world champion artistic cyclist’:


I’m pretty sure this was filmed at Schloss Hohenheim, near Stuttgart - the “Balkonsaal” there is a good match. It’s used by the local university, they have a page (that I can’t link to unfortunately) with a couple of photos and room info.

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A wonderful thing. There were a couple of moves in that second video that I suspect are much more difficult than they look, where she stops, balances and then reverses direction. Awesome!

I’ve noticed that “Schloss” and “Burg” both tend to get translated as “castle”, when often maybe “palace” would work a bit better. Dann gibt es auch “Festung” und “Turm”, usw

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Yeah, it’s a mess. Even most native speakers of either language aren’t quite consistent in using the correct terminology. It makes sense in the case of Neuschwanstein to translate Schloss as Castle because it looks like a castle even if it was very much conceived as a palace. But in unambiguous cases there’s really no excuse. The chateau of Versailles is just not the same as Götz Von Berlichingen’s castle Hornberg or the early modern fort Königsstein.

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Thanks. Looks like you might be right

Interesting that these days it seems to be mainly people using relatively normal ‘fixies’, where as back in the day it was all BMX’s with pegs on the front and back: Is this still called “flatland”?


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