Originally published at: In 1989, an Illinois town made this ridiculous rap video to promote their bid for a state prison | Boing Boing
On the flip side, Chinatown residents protest the construction of a new jail adjacent to their neighborhood
I remember this. Didn’t realize it was that long ago.
I wonder how the town of Flora would have reacted if the state was looking for a place to build a new homeless shelter or drug rehabilitation center.
Needs more Riff Trax.
Haha, I’m literally listening to this song right now on yesterday’s episode of the (excellent) You’re Wrong About podcast, which focused on the post-Reagan “prison boom,” and provides perverse context for this and other similar bids.
Is that Boss Hogg’s cousin??
NIMBY No doubt about it. And after making fools of themselves they lost the bid anyway.
Ah, Flora. Just south of Effingham. If you need a palate cleanser Effingham - YouTube
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