Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/11/07/in-the-us-turkey-trot-races-predate-marathons.html
In the US, Turkey Trot races predate marathons
Was expecting a story about turkey trot races hunting and consuming marathons for sustenance. Am disappoint.
That tweet is too close to home.
The argument “but I won us a turkey!” is also INVALID because
a) Carrying a frozen turkey to your car awkward
b) now have to find somewhere to put it and
c) we already have a turkey, since I wasn’t betting our ability to have roasted bird on your running a couple of days before it needs to be cooked.
Also, d) it’s always COLD AS BRASS MONKEYS and snowing or sleeting or gale force winds that weekend and finally
e) why must it take an hour for the results to come back while we wait in a high school gym that smells like sweat and suppressed memories surrounded by old guys stripping off spandex?
Thank you all for reading: I feel better now.
Not to be confused with a turkey drop. I swear to god I thought…
An on average they do it all in 30 degree weather. For charity!
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