In this incredible court hearing Zoom meeting an alleged abuser is discovered to be at victim's house

Yeah, same here. I know lawyers and I’ve participated in events realted to a number of trials, but I have no training in law–I’m just a bystander to the legal process. To me that sounded like the judge was telling him that there was no indication that the defense lawyer was a party to what the defendant did. I believe there’s some expectation for a lawyer to control their client while in court–and this was legally in court even if it was conducted in a very irregular way. So, there may have been some reason for Mr. Gibson to worry about possible liability and the judge wanted to put him at ease.


I think it was for the defense attorney and his client. Both the prosecution and defense lawyers did a very good job of handling this situation. The prosecution very likely saved a witnesses life and prevented a miscarrage of justice while the defense kept quiet–which was probably the best thing he could do for all involved. It takes a good degree of control to manage that.


Deborah Davis is a stand-up professional*. She helped my family with a property dispute and then later helped me execute a rather complicated land contract on that same property. I’m glad to see her putting her skills to work putting the boots to a bastard like this.

*Background - I was born in Sturgis although I really have no connection with the area, nor have I since about 2016 or so. That was tenuous - I hadn’t actually lived in Sturgis since, oh, 1990-ish. I don’t think I know anyone else in this video.


If the guy is a public defender, the Judge might have him in his court a few times a week. Perhaps he knows him.


Holy Guacamole! That raised the hairs on my head, f’ that guy to hell.


Mary was so hesitant when asked about the cops who were called to the apartment. In her strange answer to who called the cops, she finally said “That would technically be me.” Perhaps to save her own life she told Coby that someone else must have called the cops on him.


Am I the only one getting a Laurel Lance vibe from the prosecutor?


Seriously, though, Deborah Davis is a real hero. Good for her and everyone else who acted quickly to put a stop this turd’s shenanigans.


It’s just you.


I hope Lindsey has the support she needs. If the abuser was behaving in this manner in front of a judge, I can’t imagine what he’s like behind closed doors.


Re the thing the judge said to the defense attorney at the end. The defense lawyer is not a PD. His name is in the video and his website is online. He’s just a guy in solo private practice in Michigan. Without making any assumptions, maybe he knew, maybe not (probably, hopefully, not). He may or may not know the judge well. There may or may not have been extensive pre-hearing discussions about zoom hearing protocol that gave the judge some understanding of what was known or not by whom. The judge may have been saying it in a conciliatory way or to indicate that his understanding had better be the case and if he hears differently later there will be an order to show cause and sanctions etc to follow. Certainly if my client did that I’d consider asking the judge for permission to withdraw from representation with a complete explanation of what I think happened; or at least ask another lawyer for advice on my situation. IAAL.


Wasn’t the judge. Was the woman’s attorney. Talk about kick-ass.


It was Tony Hedra (Ian Faith of Spinal Tap):


Sounds like that attorney Davis and the cops may have planned things a bit in advance - this isn’t the first psychopathic abusing idiot scumbag they’ve dealt with.

Notice how fast the cops were there after Davis said she though those two were at the same location - they were waiting to bring the hammer down. I noticed that the police officer (the bailiff?) on the Zoom call was also texting/calling during the hearing, undoubtedly setting up the police response.


Hendra died the other day (but yeah, the judge looks like him).


I think you might be right. But close your eyes and just listen to him. Sounds like Bob.

not a lawyer

But I believe that in smaller jurisdictions, private attorneys are drafted to act as Defense attorneys. The county can’t afford to keep full-time defense attorneys on payroll.


I gotta find out what happens in the follow-up. BoingBoing Gods, please make sure it gets posted when the case goes to trial again.


I kind of caught it with a bit of a threat in there. Like, of course you didn’t know about this.

Because if you did… you’re going to be in contempt and probably before the bar and boy your life’s going to suck. And we’ll find out.

It was basically a way to make it so his lawyer shut up.


Same. Painful to watch Mary’s terror. Great work from the prosecutor and police.


Amazing how fast the police can respond when a white woman is in danger.