Infamous Kirk vs Gorn scene made funnier with squeaky rubber suit sound f/x

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Hmm. Meh.

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High point. FTFY.


My first reaction on seeing Star Trek: The Next Generation was: “Hey! They almost got it right this time!” Still wondering, of course, why there should be gravity on the Enterprise.

“Low point”? I guess, from an adult point of view, but as a kid I remember loving this episode.


Because otherwise their vision would degrade, their muscles and bones would atrophy, and all of the other problems associated with being in microgravity? That part doesn’t bother me any more than warp drives.


Would you rather have it spinning, like B5? They didn’t get that right either. (Spin rate was way to slow to generate anything close to 1G, complete lack of the Coriolis effect, breaching the ship opened holes in the walls instead of the floor, etc.).

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Also some fun effects of microgravity: You have indigestion and are farty pretty much all the time. Also, if you get something in your eye you have to sop it out with something absorbent, since the tears will just stay as a film across your eyeball, and at least on the ISS, MIR, the Shuttle, and Skylab, food tastes like ash. There’s no definitely known reason for why. Could be low humidity and air pressure, could be from fluid redistribution, could be from boredom/stress/other psychological reasons, or something else entirely.


Look around you - can you fashion some sort of rudimentary lathe?

Damn the Vasquez Rocks got a good run in TOS didn’t they.

IIRC there was only ever one shown hull breach on the show (when Earth Force Marines tried to over take the station) Sure, they came through a wall but nothing says that hole was their primary point of entry. They could have easily gone through the outer hull first (a floor relative to the internal perspective,) re-oriented to the stations gravity and then come through a sealed wall in a inner hull.

In the episode “The Long Dark” actor Dwight Schultz was seen looking through a window to the outside and that window was indeed on the floor.

Except that is exactly what we se - exiting the breaching pod directly into the ships interior - through the wall. And as soon as the breaching pod attaches to the hull, the whole pod would then have the same artificial spin gravity as the ship, with the exit hole being at the “top” of the pod, like the top hatch of a submarine. There would be no need to “reorient” themselves. It would be just like climbing out of a hole in the ground onto the surface.

Which just goes to show how haphazard they were about following their own internal logic.

Again, I would need to review the episode but there was no shot of the marines entering from the pod right into the ship. They could have easily done as I described. Lets also remember War Without End on Bab4 there was a clear shot of them through the bottom of the Whitestar into the floor and having to flip over to get in.

But honestly, for a show that was the first to get many space physics right, I’m willing to cut them some slack. And for you:

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