Inside a crew cabin in cargo ship swaying during rough seas

Would love to see this done for the ocean liner episode of Brideshead Revisited, that had some excellent swaying.


according to robert sapolsky mating in space has a long way to go as sperm requires gravity to make a success story which does not say much for the rest of mass bodies

Make way for the Conceptifuge!


I’ll just leave this here:

Note that this is not actually the Shetland ferry, which is designed to sail in this sort of weather:

so has all the furniture bolted to the floor. It’s a cruise liner off New Zealand.

I’ve seen b-roll where the director says “Shake right! Shake left!”

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When I was a kid, The family crossed every year at least twice from France to Ireland (Le Havre-Rosslare). When you got to St George’s Channel, the ferry could almost go 45°, but unlike you, I was among the sick ones, strapped onto something, my belly full of After Eights… I’m pretty sure the sea wasn’t responsible for that sickness.

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Thanks, that makes sense.

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the compass is in bed with the centrifuge

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And finally, Monsieur, a wafer-thin mint


That’s about 4 times the size of the college dorm room that I shared with another guy.

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Bugger off, I’m stuffed !

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Naval love
Across the seas, playing, worn
a destroyer minonositsa.

Cling like honey to the sedge,
minonosochka to the destroyer.

And the end of it had not happened to him,
minonosemu complacency.

Suddenly, a spotlight, vzdev on his glasses,
minonosochki stared at the back.

As the roar mednogolosina:
“P-rr-astakaya minonosina!”

Right eh, eh left, right, eh rush,
and fled minonositsa.

But he managed to strike
along the edge on minonosemu.

Crying and howling seas worn:
minonositsa widowed.

And that is intolerable to us
minonosinom peace in the family?


Paper Writing

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