Inside Amy Schumer star: "we aren't making the show anymore"

  1. Oooh, first post, fancy.

  2. It is possible (nay, preferable) to live a completely fulfilling life w/out Twitter.

I’m just going off FTA, I’m not digging around in twitter to find posts to support any conclusion I may draw. Of which I’m sure there are plenty.

I don’t use twitter. I followed the links listed in this article. But haven’t seen any critcizims leveled against her handling of this in any of the feminist publications that I follow.

Maybe you have seen something I haven’t.

Good example. I can’t believe someone would have made that last statement unless they both 1) had never seen the ORIGINAL show and 2) had no idea about the history of man for the last 100 years.

Also, I posted this example in another thread, and it is another case of fans eating their own.

Can you point me to the sources of this?

sigh just as easily found:

hashtag donewiththis

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I mean, just for example?

There’s obviously been a lot of pressure on Schumer to fire and/or denounce her good friend and colleague by her show’s target demographic.


I mean, I followed the link and there is a lot of stuff about Kurt, and then a mention of blocked tweets.

Seems that there is more nuance to it than “angry tumblerinas” but that seems to be a pretty unpopular sentiment.

Bad situations like that are how you end up with “vigilante justice.”

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I guess I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make. You say that you don’t believe Schumer is really under fire from her fans, so we produce tweets that show she is. So you say that you don’t use twitter, but you haven’t seen any other feminist coverage that is critical of her support (or rather, lack of denunciations) for Metzger. So I produce a feminist-perspective article criticizing her support (or rather, lack of denunciations) for Metzger.

Then you accuse me of a lack of nuance, apparently out of nowhere from my perspective.

Maybe you should try to state more clearly what it is you’re skeptical of, and what standard of evidence someone would have to produce to convince you otherwise. Otherwise, I think we’re at a bit of an impasse here.

Edit: Please look at the updates on the article I linked. The author is pretty clearly critical of Schumer’s handling of the situation. In response to the fact that Schumer hasn’t denounced or fired Metzger, the author says: “fucksticks” and “fuck everything”. You’re telling me I’m not supposed to interpret that as criticism for her handling of this situation?

I’m skeptical that the entirity downvoting and hate that she is recieving is only coming from “fans”.

Maybe the 6 or 7 blogs that I follow aren’t comprehensive enough. I imagine if I did a google search I could find an article in favor of her handling of Kurt.

But a lot of folks here seem really pleased to pur all the blame in one place, and are really angry that I suggested that there might be more to it.

Here’s what I said:

While I suspect there are a lot of Schumer’s detractors gleefully piling on, it really does seem as though this affair was started by some overzealous intersectional tumblr types reacting badly to someone stepping just slightly outside their orthodoxy.

Can you point me to the sources on this? You must have seen something I haven’t.

FYI: Blogs are not news, they are “Op-Eds”.

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Cool. What does that have to do with who is doing the critcizing?

It only has to do with you and where you’re getting your news.

I don’t think anyone is doing that. I even specifically said that just because someone follows someone, they aren’t necessarily a fan.

But her fans or people who should be her ally are part of the problem.

People expect the haters to hate. The sad thing is fans or other women in general who are mishandling their anger, tearing down someone who, IMHO, they should be supporting.

ETA - I am sure most of us can relate to being friends with some one who other friends dislike. It is very common with divorces.

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I just did a quick search on part of what you said and found this:

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Yea, but… wasn’t she targeted by her “fans” this time?

You’re right, clearly I am inferior to you and your news sources.