Inujred bat found on stoop

I was way off topic for this thread, entirely my fault. One must strive to manage one’s trigger issues, or one is merely a robot. Or possibly a maniacal cyborg like Axel Pressbutton.

I’ve been told that if a bat spends the night undisturbed in any spot, it will come back to that exact same spot every night until circumstances (such as fleeing from predators) force it to find a new spot. Dunno if that’s really true.

Probably a cat did this. Cats maim and kill many birds and bats each year. So many that feral cats in particular are considered one of the gravest threats to some bird species.

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I dunno about bats (since I’ve never seen any in Southern California, but maybe they just elude me), but I’ve seen a pair of crows do that. Burbank has a lot of 'em, and it’s pretty common to see them hanging around the Warner Bros studio lot. On the 4th floor of one of the parking garages, right next to where the 5th floor ends so there’s an extra-high ceiling, a pair of crows would spend every night roosting on one particular fire-sprinkler bar. The parking space below is still covered with their droppings. They were there every night for, like, years until a few months ago. Dunno why they split.

“Porch Ceded To Bats” is one of my favorite Onion headlines, along with the immortal “Owls Are Assholes.”

Not just in the south; a bat worker in Scotland died from rabies about ten years ago.

If you want to be really paranoid about it, you should wear gloves to pick up apparently dead bats. My dad once picked up a cold, apparently dead bat (he had an arrangement with a local bat group to send them any dead ones he found) only to find it flying around the house a few hours later.

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Screw gloves. Bring me my shovel!

An undead bat? Man… what species could it possibly have been? ;^)


It might have been a regular bat stung by a Zom-bee too!

(oh man, that was awful, why am I giggling?)

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