Watch: A friendly neighborhood dad putting the smack-down on a rabid bobcat

Originally published at: Watch: A friendly neighborhood dad putting the smack-down on a rabid bobcat | Boing Boing


Suburban dad is strapped to take Fluffy to the vet? Looks like mom has a pet carrier…and he has a cake? The 'burbs are wild.


It’s constant man vs. bobcat out there on the frontier. There’s a reason no one steps outside the house unless they’re packing heat.


I was cheering for him until he started awkward-running with the pistol.


Well that isn’t something you see every day. I guess add that to another reason to carry. You could hear the cat growls. Hope the kid (eta wife?) is ok. I guess both of them have to get rabies shots now? I hope it isn’t like it used to be. My parents would be like, “Don’t fuck with strange animals, if they have rabies you have to have 20 shots in the stomach.” I dunno if they were just fucking with me to keep me from doing something stupid, or if it really was what you had to get back then. Hopefully its less now… hold on…

According to Mayo Clinic:

A fast-acting shot (rabies immune globulin) to prevent the virus from infecting you. Part of this injection is given near the area where the animal bit you if possible, as soon as possible after the bite.
A series of rabies vaccinations to help your body learn to identify and fight the rabies virus. Rabies vaccinations are given as injections in your arm. You receive four injections over 14 days.

It is kinda scary that in 2021 rabies is a death sentence if you don’t get treated right away.


Yeah that fella’s adrenaline had to be through the roof and he’s gonna try to shoot a small fast moving target? Yikes


don’t try that shit unless you are THIS guy.




I didn’t listen to it with the sound on…so suburban mom hears the growls, stops and then walks toward them? And then has a bobcat climbing up her legs?

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I get a Chris Farley vibe from that guy’s voice. "“It’s a bobcat … a bobcat!!”


Nah the bobcat makes it all the way up to her before it starts to go crazy and attacks her, then all chaos ensues. He guy’s reaction is pretty funny, i recommend listening to it with audio.

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It is. Daughter of a friend was bit by a dog in a park, and the dogs owner took the dog and ran, I assume for fear the dog would be put down. The girl had no choice but to undergo the rabies shot regime. Talk about being a supreme asshole - hope karma catches up with that dog owner.


We can’t really see what is happening. We don’t know where the cat was when the growl was made. I think it was behind her, or maybe under the car. So not sure if she walked toward the sound or away from it or what. I don’t think she knew where the cat was until it was on her leg.

Also, the growl, or “raawwwllll” sounded like a house cat. I wouldn’t assume it was a bob cat just from the sound alone because - how often do you see a bob cat in the city? Almost never.

Ugh - that sucks, but better safe than sorry. :frowning:


Cmon, where’s the Benny Hill music?


You can see the bobcat tearing across the road in the upper left hand corner right at the start of the video…also it’s unreal how many americans feel the need to have a pistol on them at all times. Just sad.


It looked like it came at her from in front of the vehicle on the left as she was standing right at the front corners of the two vehicles.

I’m wondering what that jogging person was thinking, running towards the crazy animal that the guy had just hurled across the lawn.

From “Good morning!” to “I’m going to shoot that fucker!” in forty seconds.

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This time, the “delightful creatures” tag isn’t exactly appropriate.


The Hulk GIF


Probably thinking they would shoo it off. Which works a lot of the time with non-rabid animals.

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