Inventing a better future of work: the Working Futures science fiction anthology of better futures for workers and jobs

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After getting a ton of interesting feedback on key trends and forces that miga custom card deck

WTF does “miga custom card deck” mean?

Or is my brain damage from the 60s showing?

Seconding this question, even being quite sure of my 60’s brain damage.

Original author here. It appears that in transposing the text from what I sent Cory into the system, a section of that sentence got totally chopped out. The full sentence should read: “After getting a ton of interesting feedback on key trends and forces that might drive the future of work, we created a custom card deck, and a scenario planning exercise to go with it.” So the “miga” is the mig from “might” and the “a” is from “a custom…”

But now I’m tempted to invent a miga custom card deck. Just because.


Inventing a better future of work…better futures for workers and jobs

I want to live and work in the Was Not Was universe

One year later I was transfered to the moon
Worse pay, better hours
I was transfered to the moon
Worse pay, better fellow workers

ETA Now I’ve read all the blurb in detail, I’ve put the paperback on my public Amazon wishlist for those who never know what to buy me for birthdays/xmas. Weirdly, though, the Kindle version is not offered as an option on Amazon UK. What’s with that, eh, Amazon? Electronic goods are the most easily offered globally, surely. Don’t tell me there’s some publisher territorial fuckery going on here.

Please do.

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