Is it OK to torture a robot?

If you don’t experience it you got it easy. Maybe you even enjoyed it.

Yes, with the ones who won the competition.

Pretty much is. People tend to be annoyingly monogamous. Not always but once the female is allocated, her availability goes dramatically down. In terms of energies, she is in a potential well and the necessary activation energy goes quite up.

…and in the group dynamics it then gets awkward.

Again, with those who win the competition, who score high enough in some metrics.

A coffee sometimes works out, once per blue moon. And nothing beyond that. “You are nice. Now go away.”

When you see others winning the competition, oten even without spending much effort, while you get nothing year by year by year, you WILL get to feel resentment.

You got it easy and you don’t even realize how much.

You’re right. Fuck him. If he wants to hate the world, it is his choice. I’ll go read Seneca now.

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I’m going to echo @japhroaig here, play nice everyone. Remember, kill 'em with the love, not with the personal attacks, for Jebus’s Sake.


Dear @shaddack,
We [The BBS hivemind… or termite mound if you prefer :wink:] may not be a specific gender but we love you for who you are. You don’t need to try and remember pointless gossip to keep us happy, we love your engineering, equation/formula, cool acronym filled small talk. We know that just like any relationship ours has it’s up’s and down’s. We aren’t asking you to change your opinions, just take ours into account, and we never ever, never ever, ever ever, want you to stop being you! [even if your stubbornness sometimes does drive us crazy! :grin:]

Much love from the BBS termite mound! :kissing_heart:


So, the females are the prizes?

You’re using a metaphor – whether you realize it or not – which is not pure engineering reason, and you’re really messing it up.


Well yeah, they are!

As opposed to the poster insisting 51% of the population are not free agents but rather prizes to be won by champions?

Of course we are challenging that nastiness.


Looks to me like you are engaging in a willful misreading or interpretation with predetermined intent but anyway. Thing is for a long time at work I’ve had to interpret between very stubborn and sometimes hard to understand people (usually technical people) and others. As a mod over on Reddit I have to keep peace between factions of a population with vastly different and clashing ways of looking at things. It doesnt seem to me that the person you seem to be offended by said what you seem to think he said when you read over all of what he said.

Some people might take offense at bits of it even though I’ve heard women of different cultures express basically the same things he said. To put it another way he expressed a general view while the person I wrote to where you quoted me seemed to be getting personal. Both the people in that conversation are actual contributors to discussion here, I respect both for that.

Please excuse that I’ve not used proper usernames here but I chose to write this way on purpose.

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How is that sentence obfuscating anything? Radicals flew planes into buildings not an entire religion. 19 guys, holding radical interpretations.

And yes, some philosophers obfuscate. So do some scientists. So does anyone speaking in the language of their field. Economists. Computer programmers. Astrophysicists. English profs. Lawyers. Sometimes they know what they’re talking about, and sometimes they are blowing smoke.

Again, my problem is not that @shaddack disagrees with me, it’s with his lack of respect for others. He doesn’t like philosophy, that’s all fine and good. My problem is the derision and name-calling. Yes, you and I have disagreed on plenty, but I’m fairly certain I didn’t name call.

Feelings are not devoid of facts.


No, see, we have to tip toe around people who think that. Imagining women as prizes is just natural, yeah? I mean, we’re just full of feelings and can’t possibly be understood as human beings, with our lack of wang.


So, when we’re dehumanized, we’re not allowed to be annoyed in the slightest? Really? At what point is it okay to be irritated with discrimination? When some dude says so?

I think asking for equal treatment in OUR CULTURE, when we’re part of that culture, is not too much to ask. It’s really not.


Whats with all the street-cred? You’re not a mod here, and you’re not at work dealing with “very stubborn” people.

Perhaps you don’t realize that there is history here? That some of the commenters here have said egregious similar things in the past and us ladies are responding not only to the comments here but also to the history?

Your call out to @chgoliz is super not cool and I think its quite rude.


You mean, the people that buy your products and pay your salary?

You’re fired.

Since you like to engineer in a social vaccuum – go ahead and find a patron to support you, like all other artists.


For certain, limited definitions of the terms “problem” and “solved” that are not generally congruent with common usage.


Because the feels, they come from the pumping heart? Or the bellows lung? Or the gushing spleen?

Do tell where these feelings come from IF NOT FROM THE THINKING MEAT BRAIN.


Well, that’s a response well grounded in logic.


Is that a feeling, or a statistically-relevant conclusion?


And engineers saying they could provide technical solutions to social problems.


There’s torture, and there’s just being an asshole.


Fucking blood thirsty Time Lords…