Is it OK to torture a robot?

Cyborgs aren’t robots, you insensitive clod!

Anyway, plenty of roboticists are concerned about the ethics of what they do. Noel Sharkey is one fairly prominent one that springs to mind.

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Well where’s the fun in that, then?

FWIW my friends in the dance world would probably say what that is likely to be is a dance belt, as in:

and dance belts were definitely used under those sheer ballet tights and leotards because dancing about with one’s floppily-doppilies all loose is pretty distracting to the audience. Or so I’m guessing. I’ve never been to a ballet.


You should go! I guarantee that any local company will have <$20 tickets.


In other news Google’s DeepMind AI Team is set to play Go against Lee Sedol, one of the greatest Go players in the world - tomorrow.


You linked to the imgur host page:

Which autoplays/streams the following file as an embed:

whilst the gif you are looking for is at:

actually (tested after seeing below comments) you need to link to the http: location to get the gif to link properly:


Actually, I posted the .gif link explicitly (I even double checked when I did it). Something converted the link, whether Imgur on the back end or Discourse.


My apologies, it’s dicourse
typing the url into firefox takes me directly to the gif page, discourse is re-routing to the host page. Weird.

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This does not bode well for the .gif bank… but I suppose is saving on bandwidth for viewers of those ‘gifs’.



It’s the ‘s’ in https that needs to be removed to link directly to the gif. Uh. So discourse only handles secure links with the auto-shenanigans?

The above few comments could probably be somewhere else but if that wasn’t the perfect example of humans battling with a robot then I don’t know what is!


Most people just upload them directly.




Many people aren’t using super cool, massive gifs that circumvent the whole point of the thread whilst earning many likes. :slight_smile:


Band name


ZOMG, especially if one of the band members happened to have the last name Wang but had to leave the band before a name change, through some tragic or otherwise noteworthy circumstances.

This next song is a tribute to our lost member, whom we all miss dearly, it’s called ‘Hung Wang’.

I’ll get me coat.


Wait, what thread am I in?


From the brain, technically yes. From the thinking brain, aka the frontal lobes, no.

…also it is not meat aka muscle tissue but a neural tissue.


Similarly, why not genemod chicken to be born partially brain damaged? If they can not process suffering they won’t mind being in the little cages. Another problem solved, likely with just a few genes knocked out. If a feeding tube is used, even larger degree of cognitive disabling may be possible. Same could be used for bigger animals.

The planet is big. There’s enough space for specialty applications. The brainless masses can go buy Apple.

I sort of already have some.
And there’s a fringe of similarly minded people who need my skills. You don’t have to cater to the plebes when you know enough.

A statement of experiences?

So I revamped the Texaco steam strippers with loop seals in their feed lines to permit higher stripping steam rates. It all worked fine until I was hired by the Texaco plant in El Dorado, Kansas. I was working with a young female engineer on the crude unit. I asked her a question and she gave me a wrong answer. Ordinarily, if I was working with a male engineer, I would have tapped the guy on the head with my wrench (of course only if he was wearing his hard hat) for such an answer. But then I thought, “It’s really sexist to treat coworkers differently based on gender.” So I tapped the young lady on the head with my wrench, and Texaco canceled my contract because of “harassment in the workplace.”
– Norman P. Lieberman, Process Equipment Malfunction - Techniques to Correct and Identify Plant Problems

In your culture, a man cannot win either way.

The author also mentions other stories, like an argument with his ex when he did not send her flowers after she told him to not send flowers (this one in the subchapter when arguing with the customer who said A and then said B).

Most of the stories in the book are more fun and deal with process equipment. Good soothing bedtime reading.

Look at a mate selection algorithm. E.g. yours. Look at the factors involved, isolate them as variables. Assign them weights and approximate numerical values. (You aren’t likely thinking in these terms much so it may take you some effort. Worth trying, it is underlying most of the expert systems methods. if we aren’t going into the probabilistic Bayes complications.) Voila, scoring system. It is there, you cannot talk it away.

That you don’t like it described this way doesn’t make it go away.

Do you know it or feel it?

See above. Try to describe any kind of mate selection in any sort of an animal, and you will find some sort of fitness assessment, some sort of scoring. A mate has to score higher than others to win in the selection process.

Propose an alternative theory, then look at it and you will see it is the same in prettier words.

It works both ways.

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Women are harassed in work places and that’s a problem. We are not objects to be won. We are human beings. [ETA] The fact that we are human beings is actually a fact. Not a feeling.


The only time I’ve ever seen anyone talk about a “scorecard” in relation to mate selection were MRA-ish dudes trying to convince a woman that they “should” date them because look, all the categories are checked off! /shudder


Oh, @popobawa4u, where are you in our time of need, when walls-of-text and calls for emotion-free meat-logic abound – hast thou forsaken us?


I’m really dismayed that someone as well-known and -liked as you is repeating the same tired MRA points, albeit with a logic veneer. It’s a kick in the gut, really.

Again I point out that you should think more like a scientist, which requires creative thinking as well as careful experimentation, not like a computer.

Have you asked out to coffee (or for a day at the zoo, or a drink after work) every single woman you have met (within a reasonable age range and who is not in a relationship)? Or – let me guess-- have you only asked out those women you find attractive? Can you think about yourself critically and recognize that you aren’t a “9” or “10” on the conventional social scale and therefore are not going to be attractive to most women? Why not ask out a broader range of women, especially women who are also a little outside the norm? There’s a lid for every pot, as the saying goes.

Also, this is a good case for finding an ethical sex worker. Why not pay someone to help you learn how to be around women in a more functional way?