Is it OK to torture a robot?

But don’t tip your robo-waitresses.


Won’t make me any less thirsty though, just more tired from trying to counteract a natural reaction.

Maybe it works for some that way. I am apparently not that good with self-deception.

On a practical level, not getting caught is the only thing that matters.

I am pretty well respected in my local hackerspace. Doing some email communication, once per blue moon I show in person. But even that is exhausting, I have to take a good part of the next day off to recover.

And there are no females in any of the groups I am dealing with (the car project, the drone project, the pollution project, the machinery compensation project…), and the ratio in said hackerspace is rather abysmal and all three are allocated. Not even hand-holding for me.

Oh well…

If they are entirely untestable, then it is either some obscure math stuff that Just Works when deployed in wider context, or it is not really worth bothering with because if you can’t test if it is right or wrong, what would you use it for?

Tried, many years ago, with a couple authors. Was a waste of time and no fun.

“We fight with the army we got, not with the army we want.”

Same concept in much fewer words.

Pbbbbbbbht. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, if the females are all allocated, what can you do, amirite?

(Imagine every one of @Mindysan33’s gifs posted here, all in a row)


Win the competition against the others.

Which is a rather unrealistic proposal.

Imma gonna swagger in here and say one thing.

Everyone, be a scooch nicer. Don’t have to be much, not a lot, not even a little. Just a scooch.

(Now I imagine the scene from the country and Western bar from Blues Brothers)


Your natural reaction to being thirsty is to be angry about it?

I’m sure lots of folks in prison feel that way.

The fact that you think you “win” women from other men in some sort of competition may be part of the problem. Women are just people and (should) be friends. They aren’t prizes.


More pissed off than angry. If I cannot just get a drink.
Angry when it is at whoever who denies me water while I have to watch them having some themselves.

I’d need several more lives in order to get just the paperwork in order. Life is too short for bureaucracy and licences and permits.

You compete with other males. The females choose the winners. That’s about it.

Then there’s the friendzone…

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I don’t even…

Dude, if that’s how you view it, I’m not surprised you’re single. Women aren’t a prize to be won from other men.


To be selected, you have to be more attractive in whatever criteria than the competitors.

Works for animals, works for humans.

That you won years ago does not make it any different. Try to look at it how it is. You can play word games and describe it in some politically correct way but the principle stands. It is a competition and it is brutal.

I’m the guy robot in the middle …


And it applies to more than just mate selection. Most of social activity has this underlying layer - competition for attention, tracking and climbing the group hierarchies… A lot of this is apparently subconscious and some even seem to enjoy it. Doesn’t make it any less merciless, though.

What the heck is with that jock strap he’s wearing?


I know! :slight_smile: Wearing it must be … I dunno … what’s the word?

Apparently the tights were a bit too sheer?


Because we’re fucking primates. Go study chimp behavior. We share 98% of our DNA with them and they’re our closest surviving relatives. It is all group behavior. Even this board is group behavior.


Exactly what I am saying.

And why I claim that mate selection, under all the friendly facade, is essentially a ruthless competition - which you initially disputed.

It isn’t ruthless and it isn’t much of a competition. People want to be with other people and want to have sex. If someone is with someone else, it isn’t a zero sum game with that person removed from availability to you or anyone else. People date and sleep with whom they wish as they wish.

If you view women as prizes to be won, you’re not better than an MRA and any women would be smart to stay away from you. Women want partners and friends, not people that see them as objects to be won, just as men do. They aren’t chattel.

Take this from a man married twice who has an adult daughter.

The world doesn’t lack for women and, frankly, if you are unable to find one willing to have coffee with you, you’re doing something very wrong. You’re showing the kind of resentment that seems rooted in the idea that you think you’re entitled to “have” a woman.


You are just getting nasty and personal here, let’s not do that please

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