Originally published at: Is Kanye West actually Ziggy Stardust? A TikTok-er explores the secrets of the Bowie song. | Boing Boing
Um, “Five Years” as the LAST song of Ziggy? Is this from some alternate version I’m unaware of? It’s always been first on the album, and in the live performances…the last would be “Rock n’ Roll Suicide,” so we’ve yet to see that prophecy play out in Mr. West’s case.
I miss Katrina era Kanye
It also strikes me that if there is anyone who is Bowie like in modern pop, it’s probably Janelle Monae…
But she’s also a good successor to Prince, too. Ye doesn’t hold a candle to her!
Ziggy Stardust is not the Starman.
Five Years is the first track, was it ever released as a single?
I came to say the same thing. I started to question whether I had the original album lineup of songs.
This is one of my favorite albums. I discovered it about a decade ago while listening to Jonesy’s Jukebox. I love to listen to the entire album.
Anytime I recommend it people say,
"ah I don’t really like Bowie. "
I didn’t either until this album.
Wait… is there an echo?
Great minds gif alike?
What’s the first thing we hear about Ziggy Stardust in Ziggy Stardust?
“Ziggy played guitar.” Kanye doesn’t. QED.
Almost five years later to day—June 8, 1977, to be precise—Kanye West.
@thomdunn - Ummm - oookaaay… but there may be three different words missing from that - ‘the’, ‘was’, and ‘born’.
ETA and ‘almost’ is not ‘to the day’.
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