Is this artwork, winner of a drawing prize, even a drawing at all?

Who made that determination? Was that official, or just tradition?

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If my experience holds true, you surely kept the company of those who provoke for the sake of provoking, many of whom never realize that there can be an end to those means.

That was accidentally a double meaning, and that works really well.

I know just what you mean.

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it was official!

Well, as official as anything at Hampshire College ever is :wink:

really though, that was how it worked there then


Attention isn’t a measure of quality here, it’s a measure of attention for something that doesn’t get a lot of attention. See: Ice Bucket Challenge. Of course, all decisions are on some level emotional, and so it’s to be expected that an entry that inspires feelings of curiosity or discomfort might stick in a judge’s mind and invite more prolonged consideration than something traditional… but I was being facetious in the implication that there may have been some kind of smoke-filled room where “which of these will get us the most outrage-clicks as winner” was discussed.

Yes, most of the response is likely of the knee-jerk variety, which is a failure of the media machine you note. But I would hope that at least a few people are inspired to think and have conversations about art, subjective categories, and the challenging of pre-conceived notions surrounding them.

Of course, knowing reality, death threats have probably already been directed to the artist for pissing on the sacrosanct artistic foundation laid by the ninja turtles.

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I’ve shown it to a few people and the consensus is: “Oh. Yeah. That’s modern art right there, that’s the sort of thing they do.”

Generally speaking, the attitude (at least with people I know) is that

(a) Oh, everything’s art, sure.
(b) Art is boring and terrible.

I suspect that this is not a particularly good outcome.

Unfortunately, the field of modern art is, ah, post-honesty.

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I feel that we are moving to a post-honesty world. I wonder if that will put realism back in fashion.

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I think you’re thinking of post-modern art, not modern art.

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Pardon. I meant ‘modern’ as in ‘contemporary.’ Artifact of my native language where that’s the word used. But you are, naturally, correct.


Ah! I got ya. Makes more sense.

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