Technically, the name of the game is Will you stop editing while I’m trying to respond? but the way you play it is Edit your post.
Other than this header-post laying out the rules, you are allowed one post per person.
Once you create your initial post, if you want to say something else, ask a question, answer a question, &c – edit your post.
NOTE: Even if you set your watch-status to Watching, I do not believe you will receive updates for edits - only for new posts. So, check back often!
(Curiously, you do receive notifications if your headline is edited)
If you want to create a screencap/cut-n-paste archive thread, be my guest.
Second-posts can be flagged by any user as being off-topic. Please be nice. This is a game. If you don’t want to play, don’t play. Don’t make us enrage the Don’t Push Your Luck Dragon.
I often post something, then realize I left something out I’d meant to say or decide to refine a point, so I edit it. Then I notice that someone ‘liked’ my post while I was editing it, meaning they were approving of the version before I edited it. That leaves me a bit perplexed.
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