Israel versus Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, aid workers, and journalists. 2023-24


We should all dress like Tute Bianche and the WOMBLES then?


Antifa (more accurately the Black Bloc) dress in black because most people have black clothes in their wardrobe. White overalls are less common.


And yet even here at bbs, commenters keep reading it and posting links to it.

Think Which One GIF


I wonā€™t claim to know what Hamas expects from Israel, nor what Israel should do. That would be a matter for people with the languages and expertise to read and analyze the documents and the data. My point is that it is always worth asking, in such situations, whether you are following the terroristā€™s script. If what you want to do is what your enemy wants you to do, someone is mistaken. It might be your enemy. But it also might be you.

Read the whole thing. Itā€™s not long. No paywall.


Iā€™m glad he included this:

PPS. I anticipate the objection that Israeli state policy has been designed to provoke Palestinians. I agree that the strong can also terrorize the weak.

But I also wish heā€™d dealt with it more in the think piece itself.



One moreā€¦


ā€œAnd as for the Palestiniansā€¦ā€

I donā€™t even want to complete that sentence. :angry: :cry:

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The first post is background for the second. Both informative reads.

Forcible Transfer, Terrorist Settlers and the IDFā€¦

The situation reached levels where the former CO Northern Command IDF, retired General Amiram Levin, clearly stated the situation in the West Bank is ā€˜total apartheidā€™, the IDF is a ā€˜partner in the West Bank war crimesā€™ , resulting in the IDF ā€˜rotting from the insideā€™. Even the official spokesman of the IDF, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, warned that settler violence is fuelling Palestinian terrorism, while a former Director of Shin Bet (Israelā€™s internal intel/security agency) warned:

However, voices of reason remained far too few, there was absolutely no political reaction from abroad, and the pogroms just went on: between 1 January and 6 October this year, over 240 Palestinians (including 42 children) were murdered by terrorist settlers and the IDF, and six Palestinian municipalities were abandoned because of the settler terror. Their inhabitants were ethnically cleansed: by Zionist settlers, with support of the IDF.

Security-wise, this is as important because as the intensity of this campaign of terror grew, and ā€“ reportedly ā€“ on Netanyahuā€™s order, the IDF began deploying ever additional of its active units to the West Bank. It withdrew even most of units controlling the fence to the Gaza Strip. Those deployed there were foremost busy supporting and protecting terrorist settlers, rather than running their routine training.

The ā€˜military analyst & historianā€™ in me canā€™t evade the following conclusion: hand on heart, this wasnā€™t the first time (and probably not the last) some regime in the Middle East exposed itself to external attack because it morally and operationally corrupted its armed forces and then concentrated them for its own-, or the protection of its powerbase.

This is a ā€˜classicā€™ in this part of the world. For example in Assadist Syria ā€“ or, in opposite sense, in Iran, where the quasi-clerical regime created itself the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), for preventing such situations. Ironic is that the Israelis and their supporters were always boasting this could never happen to themā€¦



ā€œThey have to be eradicatedā€¦ā€

Yeah, that would be the Final Solution, now wouldnā€™t it?

Marc Maron Rage GIF by IFC


Joe or Hunter? With Marge, anything is possible. :thinking:


It is believed that this will increase the chances that Congress will pass funding for Ukraine in the face of current insufficient support from Republicans and the absence of a Speaker of the House.

ā€œOne official said such a move could make sense because it jams the far right in Congress, which is opposed to more Ukraine aid but supportive of aid to Israel,ā€ the newspaper writes.

According to The Washington Postā€™s sources, the joint funding package ā€œcould encourage some Republicans to vote positively because they would not want to block military aid to Israel.ā€


Yeah the irony would be strong if a gun came back with a serial number from one the guns Marge raffled away earlier.


The Ukraine MOD is claiming that the Wagner Group trained Hamas members, but without any backing evidence so far. So, cool story bros. :man_shrugging:


ā€œā€‹ā€‹If successful, X will evolve to be the collective consciousness of humanity or, more accurately, the human-machine collective,ā€ Musk posted in reply to a follower who said he was doing a great job running the company.

The fucking grandiosity of this asshole. No, it is/has been/will continue to be just one of many channels of information flooded with noise and propaganda.