Israel versus Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, aid workers, and journalists. 2023-24

which most US politicians pretend not to hear, and Bibi’s just like “Hahaha that stupid Joe does whatever I want and there will never be a two state solution.”


The op-ed about German support for Israel was prompted by things like this:

German philosemitism is thus revealed as another vehicle for supremacy, preferable precisely because of its anti-racist veneer. Germany’s crushing embrace of the Jewish community within its borders, with or without the participation of Jews, secures the German self-image as a moral arbiter while casting the country’s guilt onto Arabs and Muslims. This works similarly on an international level, where Germany’s Staatsraison is linked to protection of the Jewish state. Not for nothing did Mathias Döpfner, CEO of the media and technology company Axel Springer, recently synthesize, without a hint of irony, the phrase “Zionismus über alles”—Zionism above all. These words allude to the erstwhile first line of the German national anthem, “Deutschland Über Alles,” now officially stricken from the song due to its association with Nazi Germany. We might refer to this form of displaced nationalism—in which Germans enact their national aspirations via Jews and the State of Israel—as replacement supremacy: a process by which national supremacy is preserved through its projection onto a surrogate state.

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I dont want to be cynic, but it is called israels 9/11…so, yeah, no wonder there.


Al-Ahram (Egypt): Pushed by Haaretz: Israel reveals 1,000 soldiers injured in Gaza war since 7 October

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The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people is a moment to reaffirm their right to live in peace and dignity.

It is long past time to move in a determined, irreversible way towards a two-State solution, on the basis of
resolutions and international law.

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From comments on that piece:

Yousef said he saw the light after a stint in an Israeli jail during the mid-1990s. At Megiddo Prison, he witnessed Hamas inmates leading a brutal year-long campaign to weed out supposed Israeli collaborators. “During that time, Hamas tortured and killed hundreds of prisoners,” he said, recalling vivid memories of needles being inserted under finger nails and bodies charred with burning plastics. Many, if not all, had nothing to do with Israeli intelligence.

I can’t see how any of that could have happened without the guards allowing it to happen.


Related and an interesting episode to watch:

A lighter part:


United Nations: PGA remarks at the Commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Remarks by H.E. Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the General Assembly

at the Commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

[As Delivered]

29 November 2023

Well well well. So it was a land grab after all and not “self defense”.

Attached is a screenshot of a tweet by Benjamin Netanyahu announcing that a foundation stone has been laid for a new Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip. He promises to rebuild the former Jewish settlements and add new settlements…

Bad translation. It is in the Gaza Envelope, not the Gaza Strip. Unfortunately, google translate thinks they’re the same word.

They renamed a planned development in the Gaza Envelope called Hanon and renamed it in memory of one of the October 7th victims during a ceremony to place the cornerstone.

Here’s the announcement from last year for it (Hebrew).

Edit: Clarification. Not sure why Google translates it that way. Bing translate properly says Gaza envelope instead of Gaza strip.

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