Israel versus Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, aid workers, and journalists. 2023-24

surprise surprise

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Scoop: Kushner, Jewish business leaders huddle with Qatari PM

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump organized a private meeting in New York last Wednesday with Qatar’s prime minister and a bipartisan group mostly of Jewish businessmen and billionaires, three sources with direct knowledge of the meeting tell Axios.

PassBlue (“independent coverage of the UN”):
Is the ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan Fit for Purpose?

Israel says that #Palestinians brainwash their children.

But what does Israel teach its own children?

A thread :thread:


(Replies to the thread not allowed, so I can’t put it through ThreadReaderApp.)

From the Guardian liveblog:

32m ago17.25 GMT

Patrick Wintour

John Bolton, the former Republican US national security adviser, has proposed to the UK’s foreign affairs select committee that the Gaza Strip be split into two territories, with Gaza north of the Wadi Gaza river administered by Israel and an area to the south run by Egypt.

Bolton added that he would abolish the UN relief works agency UNRWA, which he said had “developed an institutional culture of sustaining the refugee status of Palestinians”.

Bolton’s proposal would involve large numbers of Palestinians leaving Gaza permanently.

He said his proposal would mean Palestinians were no longer stuck in the eternal hell of Gaza, a place he described as a terrorist state.

Bolton said that it was clear that the refugees from Gaza would not be able to be resettled in Israel, since that was not consistent with Israel’s security needs.

He said Israel had made it clear they were not even going to provide work visas. As a result, he said, they should be resettled in third countries.

He claimed: “This is not forcible population removal but doing what we did after World War Two - we find other countries that will accept refugees and give them asylum. They have to be put in places where they are part of a functioning economy. Otherwise they do not have the dignity of providing for themselves.”

Bolton, who acted as national security adviser to Donald Trump, warned that if the current population is allowed to stay in Gaza they will be in an “Orwellian situation where there is no future and the Palestinian people will become victims once again”.

He described his plan as an interim solution, but claimed it was legal since there was an unresolved mandate for Gaza dating back to the League of Nations and the previous responsibility of the British had not been clearly handed to anyone else.

Bolton’s plan is based on the presumption that Gaza and the West Bank will not form a state as part of a wider two-state solution. His proposal has found echoes in outline with proposals circulating in the Israeli government.

The US government has ruled out such a proposal, but as Gaza becomes slowly uninhabitable due to the continued Israeli bombardment, the US could yet reluctantly change its policy to seek homes for Palestinians away from Gaza.

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Human Rights Watch:

Satellite imagery reviewed by HRW shows that orchards, greenhouses and farmland in northern Gaza have been razed since the beginning of Israel’s ground invasion, compounding concerns of dire food insecurity and loss of livelihood.

(Not on their website yet.)

Report: Israel planning on flooding Hamas’ Gaza tunnels

Israel is considering flooding Hamas’ underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal, and has amassed what the newspaper called “a system of large pumps.”

The report, which cites unnamed American officials, says that the Israeli tactic that “could destroy the tunnels and drive the fighters from their underground refuge but also threaten Gaza’s water supply.”

According to the report, the IDF “finished assembling large seawater pumps roughly one mile north of the Al-Shati refugee camp around the middle of last month. Each of at least five pumps can draw water from the Mediterranean Sea and move thousands of cubic meters of water per hour into the tunnels, flooding them within weeks.”

The report says that Israel presented the plan to the United States last month, since when its feasibility and impact on the environment have been debated. The report said that U.S. officials believe that Israel hasn’t made a final decision to move ahead, nor has it ruled the plan out.

The same tunnels where Hamas is holding hostages? Those tunnels?

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Now look what you made me do!

Very upsetting pictures, so be warned…


Israel blows up Gaza’s “Palace of Justice” compound which housed the Palestinian Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the Court of First Instance & the Magistrate.

100,000s of vital case documents are gone.

Deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure is a War Crime!

Israel’s soldiers took victory images inside the Palestinian Supreme Court before blowing it up into pieces.

This proves the facility constituted ZERO danger to the Israeli military & no militants were hiding inside it at the time it was destroyed.

Again, a war crime!


Yeah, this will end well.

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Josh Paul resigned from the State Dept over sending arms to Israel. “I have heard from actually so many hundreds of colleagues at this point who support what I did,” he says. “They are finding what is happening both a moral disaster and a policy disaster for the United States.”

Video interview with Josh Paul. It would be great if tweets could be embedded via Nitter.

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