Israel versus Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, aid workers, journalists, and UN peacekeepers. 2023-24

I suppose I should have guessed… assholes.


… did they accidentally re-publish a press release from 1972 :confused:


The PLO still exists and Arab states 138 countries recognise it as the State of Palestine.


“I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children,” Biden said in broader remarks about his administration’s support for Israel amid its war with Hamas and efforts to free American hostages.

A spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that toddlers and babies were found in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz in southern Israel, with their “heads decapitated” after Hamas’ attack over the weekend, CNN reported.

I don’t even… F’ck.

I thought to myself before this was confirmed that I didn’t really care much about what a killer did to corpses. The dead can’t suffer and the killing is the awful part. But I was wrong, so very, very wrong. Some deep lizard part of my brain went from subconsciously screaming killer to screaming monster and that scares me.

I desperately hope this is some lie by the Israeli government that will be quickly be discovered.


Grain of salt and all that.


So it was true. I had the hope it was just part of the disinfo campaign. Savages, monsters etc These barbaric acts seem like things straight out of the pages of the Bible… What do they expect to get with this terror attack? Stalling the peace talks between Israel and other arabian nations? Was it worth? Now the people at Gaza Strip will be punished with fire from sky and soon soldiers will chase the terrorists there and abroad.

The peace talks will resume enventually. But the life in Israel and Gaza will change for worse.


Usual caveats about “intelligence” apply.


I agree with you. They are using the people of Gaza as props in their game of Power.

I even argued with relatives because of this news. I remembered that there is a lot of inaccurate news, propaganda and outright lies on social media. Then they started putting all the Muslims in the same carriage of the terrorists’ train. Once again I said that it could be a lie and remembered the times that state propaganda was debunked.

Next time I will bê silent and wait as the events unfold.


I tried to avoid accusing every Muslim of being a terrorist. But in a war and this one in particular, it is very difficult to be rational. I understand what my relatives are feeling, but jumping into the prejudice and xenophobia express does not seem right tô me.

I am sorry for ALL the victims. These terrorists don’ t deserve our compassion.


Surreal bomb blasts, rooster crows, prayers and drone noise in this cam feed…

WTF did Hamas think would happen? DumbFks. :rage:


A chess board. Maybe they sacrificed their own people for some greater goals that only make Sense in their minds.


I don’t think that they refer to it as sleep deprivation.

Muslims are required to wake up early to pray (Fajr) at dawn (approximately one and one-half hours before sunrise). Some Muslims wake up to pray Fajr and then sleep until it is time to work (split sleep), whereas others sleep continuously (consolidated sleep) until work time and pray Fajr upon awakening.

I’ll take calls to prayers (from a distance) over French street mimes any day of the week.


My take is that most of the population of Gaza are not Hamas. And Hamas cares about them arguably less than they care about the Israelis… they spend a lot of time caring very much about how much they want to kill Israelis, while their fellow Gazans suffer around them, hopeless and suffering.

Hamas’ actions were directly against Israel, but indirectly, if inevitably, against Gaza. They knew that Israel would react like this. I don’t think they were expecting to let even one of those hostages out alive.

And while that doesn’t absolve Hamas of what it has done, the Israeli policy of “mowing the grass” has made it inevitable. The IDF went in to Gaza regularly to clear out anyone who looked like they might be or become a leader or a rallying point. They cleared out the wolves. They cleared out the guard dogs. What are left are the jackals.


… I imagine traditionalists might say using a loudspeaker was cheating :thinking:


… they have edited that same article now

White House clarifies Biden’s claim he saw photos of terrorists beheading children in Israel-Hamas war

After the comments, the White House clarified that Biden had read news reports.


Well at least there’s hope it’s bullshit or fog of war or a miscommunication or something then.

I also take issue with this thing Biden said:

“I truly believe were there no Israel, no Jew in the world would be ultimately safe,” [Biden] said. “It’s the only ultimate guarantee.”

Israel has to be one of the least safe places for Jews to be in the world. It’s a tiny country surrounded by people who despise with limited food security. I am constantly astounded that fellow Jews believe otherwise. I can only attribute it some sort of extreme cognitive dissonance.

I mean of all the places in the world to move. Seriously, there are like 100 uninhabited islands in Tonga one could have negotiated for if the goal was simply safety.