Israel versus Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, aid workers, journalists, and UN peacekeepers. 2023-24


One bit of good news:



A number of factors seem to have caused a delay, but sources have told The Jerusalem Post that one factor has been a growing concern that Hezbollah is waiting for the moment that most IDF ground forces are committed to Gaza to open a full front with the IDF in the north.

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From the Aljazeera liveblog…

Welp. This is pretty much gonna be a regional war now. we’re fucked. Gazans are super-duper fucked.

I hate this fucking timeline so hard.


Seems to be a divide between news orgs about whether to show the video.

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I’m okay with not but telling us if there’s anything we need to know.


TrueAnon Episode 326: Palestine

We’re joined by Akram Salhab, a Palestinian activist based in Jerusalem, to talk about Gaza, the West Bank, refugees & more.

Talking about this as second Nakba is fuck horrifiying.

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It is absurd.

Facebook Video Link

(Date and context unknown.)


That dehumanization begets dehumanization, terror begets terror, and none of us will be free until all of us are free; or, you know, that it might be easier to just look away.

Sad Anthony Anderson GIF


Could also be at home in the Assholes Thread…

Republican Sen. Rand Paul is the only senator to not sponsor a bipartisan Senate resolution supporting Israel

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Sad Cartoon GIF


What side would Bibi be in such a struggle? I mean which one offers most opportunity for grift?


Netanyahu is referring to himself as a child of light?

Is there a word for laugh crying? Because that is both hilarious and sad.

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Some hints that Israel may be backing away from a ground invasion:

The Israeli military is getting ready for the next phase of its campaign against the Gaza Strip but plans may not conform to widespread expectations of an imminent ground offensive, the IDF’s International spokesperson said on Tuesday.

“We are preparing for the next stages of war. We haven’t said what they will be. Everybody’s talking about the ground offensive. It might be something different,” Lt.-Col. Richard Hecht told a regular briefing with reporters.

As Gen. David Petraeus noted, Gaza City alone is the size of Mosul with all the same challenges:

“If you go in, at some point in time, if you’re going to destroy every one of these headquarters, bases, facilities, capture or kill the senior leaders and do the same with the rank and file, true extremists, think about what that requires.”

“A similar sized population, Mosul, when the Islamic State occupied it in northern Iraq, and ISIS is a good analogy here for what Hamas has done, it took nine months to clear that, Israel doesn’t have nine months obviously,” said Petraeus.

Add in threats they’re getting on the Northern border and pressure from allies and it’s possible Israel is having second thoughts. Maybe.

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