Italy's fascist, racist prime minister sues singer Brian Molko for calling her fascist, racist

Originally published at: Italy's fascist, racist prime minister sues singer Brian Molko for calling her fascist, racist | Boing Boing



Singer Provokes Queen Racist


IANAL and know nothing about Italian defamation law…

But my understanding is that defamation is usually centered around specific, provable allegations. So the allegations made by the newspaper would be grounds for a defamation suit if they weren’t true.

Where it comes to allegations of racism and fascism, do the courts have a specific definition to even work from? I mean, WE all know these things when we see them, or we can understand that certain policies/actions/decisions/statements are part of a racist/fascist agenda. But proving that you aren’t racist/fascist to a court would entail going through every THING you have said and done and arguing that against a court-accepted definition. It seems pretty unlikely to be entertained by a judge, much less succeed.


Douches indeed.


Hey, Meloni…


A risky move, characterising those accurate descriptors as defamation. Her followers take a lot of pride in being racists and fascists.


Are they going to charge him with releasing state secrets???

Like most state secrets, they’re ones man+dog knows

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Is that a promise?

This is also a good time to remind you that the Mussolinis are still involved in Italian politics, and Mussolini’s great-grandson plays football for Lazio, who have earned their nickname of SS Nazio because of their fans.


Agreed, and in addition, defamation is the case where your reputation suffers as a result of the accusation. This does not appear to be the case here. The question is, what are the judges like? In view of the previous successful court cases, I think we know the answer to that one.


Has Meloni actually won with any of this crap before? The post mentions that the paper case is going to trial, and doesn’t mention the outcome of the case against the person that called her a bastard.

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Don’t know about Meloni herself, but other fascist bastards have apparently successfully sued for being called fascist bastards.


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