Originally published at: Can Kyle Rittenhouse win defamation lawsuits against people who called him a murderer? | Boing Boing
Oh just fuck today, and all these divisive-ass topics.
You ever get the feeling at this point we’re just being played?
Kyle Rottenhouse, can go take a flying f@ck at the moon. So say I.
We each can choose what content we read and engage in; that goes without saying.
That said, consistently posting negative content which is all but guaranteed to incite heated arguments and disagreements seems entirely counter to the idea of posting ‘mostly wonderful things.’
Is it like a reverse class action suit where he’ll sue everyone who called him “murderer” for like $1.50 each? Because I’ve got a spare $1.50 for which that murderer can sue me.
don’t offer anything to him he might take you reaching out your hand with a 1.50 as an act of aggression and …
I’d really like him take the “white supremacist” claim to court so this can come up again… just hanging out with a white supremacist making white supremacist hand signs while out on bail.
Rhetorical hyperbole is protected
It’s not hyperbole, though. Sue me, I guess.
I saw this last week. He doesn’t have a leg to stand on and it’s a good way to waste a bunch of money on lawyers - which is probably why some lawyers might be suggesting he has a case against some people.
If an acquittal was a legal basis for collecting damages from anyone who called you a “murderer” then O.J. Simpson would be a Billionaire.
Who’s covering his costs here?
Answer: “He can sue, and he’s going to probably lose.”
Now you can skip the video (although I do enjoy Legal Eagle’s stuff, especially when he’s reviewing law scenes in famous movies; My Cousin Vinnie gets very high marks from him).
In America, anyone can sue anyone else for anything. That’s why our courts are so incredibly clogged with nonsense like this. We call him a murderer, because he is a murderer. He wanted to play big hero and soldier boy and white savior, and in doing so murdered people who had the NERVE to fight back against him!
Personally I sidestep the whole alt-right “well technically” crowd by just calling him a killer.
Pretending a legal verdict is the only way the term murder can be used or can be determined is just silly and even then, pretending a legal verdict determines the truth rather than just determines what x number of jury members thought about the law and the prosecutor’s case is even sillier.
Betteridge’s law of headlines applies here.
As a Kenosha resident I can only hope the murderer is eventually help accountable for his actions.
Total, wild, stab-in-the-dark kind of guess but I’m going for the NRA.